Category: Europe

Martin Wolf's Intolerable Choices for the Eurozone


Martin Wolf provides a timely analysis of the Eurozone's options. Wolf argues that ultimately the Eurozone faces a choice between default and partial …

How will it end?

Tom McDonnell 24/05/2011

Tom McDonnell: It is too early to tell but there are worrying signs that the Euro zone crisis may spread. Bond spreads for Spanish and Italian …

Eurozone options ....


Two links of interest: on Social Europe Journal, Henning Meyer examines Five Ways to Solve the Eurozone Crisis, while - over at the Financial Times - …

Eurozone Failures - Time for Eurobonds and a Radical Rethink

Tom McDonnell 20/05/2011

Tom McDonnell: Two quick links: Guillermo De La Dehesa of CEPR has put together a very useful one-pager that should be mandatory reading for the …

The economic consequences of the ECB - "an unrepayable debt is an unrepayable debt"

Tom McDonnell 19/05/2011

Tom McDonnell: It seems the war dogs of the ECB have threatened to cut off Greece’s access to liquidity if it defaults. Jean-Claude Trichet even …

Troika statement: It's Friday, let's go to the pub


From the statement by the EC, ECB and IMF released today: ‘The teams’ assessment is that the program is on track but challenges remain and …

Is the IMF changing? A hard-hitting attack on the Washington Consensus

Paul Sweeney 05/04/2011

Paul Sweeney: As the IMF is here in Ireland, with the ECB and EU Commission, on a mission of assisting Irish citizens to bail out our banks and thus …

A suggestion for the EFC boosters

Tom McDonnell 30/03/2011

Tom McDonnell: The IMF as an organisation has long been criticised for its dogmatic adherence to the Washington Consensus principles regardless of …

The people have spoken - but what did they say?

Michael Burke 15/03/2011

Michael Burke: The first clear message of the 2011 election was a rejection of Fianna Fáil, receiving just 17.4% of the first preference vote – …

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Jim Stewart

Dr Jim Stewart is Adjunct Associate Professor at Trinity College Dublin. His research …

Shana Cohen

Dr. Shana Cohen is the Director of TASC. She studied at Princeton University and at the …

Paul Sweeney

Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …
