Category: Environment

Carbon taxes - not 'just another tax' according to Commission


John Barry: This post is a very quick ‘cut and paste’ pulling together some of the main carbon and environmental related aspects of today’s …

The Pro-Nuclear bias of the Irish Academy of Engineers review of Irish Energy Policy


John Barry: The Irish Academy of Engineers Review of Ireland's Energy in the Context of a Changing Economy has been discussed over on …

Guardian article on Green New Deal for Ireland


John Barry: Larry Elliott, the Guardian's Business editor, has just written this article 'Emerald Isle plots green revolution', outlining a possible …

Where's our 'Green' Whitaker?


John Barry: In the context of the severe crisis Ireland faces – which for me goes beyond the current economic/financial crisis but should be viewed …

Guest Post: Response to Richard Tol on 'Green New Deal'


John Barry: Richard Tol, over at Irish Economy, has an ‘interesting’ take on one of the components of a Green New Deal for Ireland. Focusing on …

The Ryanair Model of Development?

James Wickham 05/05/2009

James Wickham: Ryanair is an Irish success story. Ryanair’s high profile CEO, Michael O’Leary, is one of the country’s home grown billionaires. …

Prosperity without growth?


Ahead of the G20 summit in London, the UK's Sustainable Development Commission recently published Prosperity Without Growth? arguing that "the …

Return to Growth Paradigm in Petrochemical Economy not an Option

Peadar Kirby 22/02/2009

Peadar Kirby: The focus of public attention and debate on recession and cutbacks at the moment indicates the extreme poverty of public discourse in …

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Vic Duggan

Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …

Paul Sweeney

Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …

Shana Cohen

Dr. Shana Cohen is the Director of TASC. She studied at Princeton University and at the …
