Category: Environment

Covid19 & the Developing World

Mary Van Lieshout 21/04/2020

The haunting coronavirus pandemic which has had such a devastating impact on all our lives has put the spotlight on the massive inequalities that …

Food For Thought As We Ponder Our Return to Normal

Sean McCabe 20/04/2020

Around the world, all but those workers essential to the functioning of critical services are sitting at home waiting for a return to …

The Future of Work in Rural Communities in Ireland

Sean McCabe 13/12/2019

The Carnegie UK Trust-TASC Ensuring Good Future Jobs essay collection describes many of the key challenges faced by workers in Ireland today, and …

We can’t say we haven’t been warned!

Sean McCabe 16/08/2019

Two significant reports were published in the past fortnight. The first was released to much clamour and made headlines around the world. The second …

Climate action plan is nothing if it fails to address inequality

Sean McCabe 24/06/2019

- Appeared in the Irish Times, June 24, 2019. The 2019 climate action plan, taken at face value, aims to catapult Ireland from laggard to leader on …

How can the agricultural sector engage a Just Transition?

Sean McCabe 11/06/2019

The second part of this blog on a Just Transition for agriculture considers how to enact a Just Transition for agriculture in Ireland that …

Bold action on climate change needed now that we have declared emergency

Shana Cohen 14/05/2019

-Appeared in the Irish Times, May 14, 2019.   Last week, Ireland became the second country in the world, after the UK, to declare a climate and …

How can the agricultural sector engage a Just Transition?

Sean McCabe 25/02/2019

How can the agricultural sector in Ireland participate in a Just Transition to constructively address inequality in the sector and tackle climate …

Think Tanks Should Put 'Public' Back in Policy

Shana Cohen 23/08/2018

According to the University of Pennsylvania’s Think Tanks and Civil Society Program, “think tanks are public policy research, analysis, and …

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Paul Sweeney

Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …

Vic Duggan

Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …

Shana Cohen

Dr. Shana Cohen is the Director of TASC. She studied at Princeton University and at the …
