Category: Economics

IMF Study of Downward Share of Labour Income is Recognition of the Major Economic Issue of our Time

Paul Sweeney 15/05/2017

A new IMF study of the downward share of labour income is some more recognition by the elite of a major economic and social issue of our time. With …

Globalisation for Slow Learners

Vic Duggan 06/05/2017

The IMF recently published its updated outlook for the global economy. The good news is that recovery from the crisis seems to be finally picking up …

Good News on the Economy from Europe but a Warning?

Paul Sweeney 27/04/2017

There is some good news on the Irish economy from Eurostat. But hidden in the text is a warning to another member state, Luxembourg, that may …

Beacon South Quarter crisis reflects the worst of Turbo Capitalism

Paul Sweeney 16/03/2017

De-regulation, privatisation, outsourcing, low taxes, bad housing policy, speculation, regressive tax policy, and poor public services reflect turbo …

Airbnb: Sharing, Disrupting or Predator?

Paul Sweeney 13/02/2017

Airbnb argues that “Airbnb and our community are part of the new Collaborative or Sharing Economy, a movement that enables people to access new …

Researching Ireland and the MNEs

David Jacobson 08/02/2017

The recent announcement that HP Inc is to shed almost 500 jobs as it closes its global print usiness in Kildare is a stark reminder of the role that …

If Apple won’t pay tax what hope is there for civilisation?

Paul Sweeney 04/02/2017

Multinationals owe responsibility to a wider group than their shareholders. As the Apple tax case moves towards the European Union courts, €13 …

How policy is driving precarious work for professionals in childcare and higher education

Sinead Pembroke 17/01/2017

How much do we know about the working conditions of the educators who look after and teach our children, our family members and ourselves? For the …

Women at Work in Ireland

Paul Sweeney 03/01/2017

Did you know that until 1973 if a woman got married in the Irish civil service, she had to resign so that a man or single woman could take her job? …

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Paul Sweeney

Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …

Vic Duggan

Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …

Kirsty Doyle

Kirsty Doyle is a Researcher at TASC, working in the area of health inequalities. She is …
