Category: Economics

Its all about choices


Listening to the RTE News at 9 pm some evenings is not a healthy night cap for those worried about jobs – their own or those of their loved ones. …

The road to recovery: different responses


There has been, recently, a plethora of reports on the economy in Ireland ranging from the Government publication 'Building Ireland's Smart Economy' …

Stimulus for Development

Sean Ó Riain 30/03/2009

Sean O Riain: Commentators across the spectrum have worried that the April budget will tax and cut so much money out of the economy that we will face …

Preparing low and middle income earners for higher income tax

Peter Connell 27/03/2009

Peter Connell: In last Fridays’s Irish Times Colm Keena, in an article entitled ‘Income data understate contribution of lower and middle-income …

What about R&D policy?

Peadar Kirby 26/03/2009

Peadar Kirby: Amid all the focus on the flood of different reports on the Irish economy, and the battle between the slash and burn brigade and the …

Responding to the crisis


It can be hard to see beyond the impending budget and the rising crescendo of voices clamouring for cutting our way out of the present gathering …



1 One of the key arguments against a stimulus package in Ireland is that additional public spending will leak out through imports. In other words …

Getting ideological

Paula Clancy 20/03/2009

Paula Clancy: David Quinn is right about one thing: we do need to start asking ourselves what kind of society we want when we come out of the current …

Auditors: one of the guilty parties?

David Jacobson 18/03/2009

David Jacobson: As the crisis progresses (or should that be ‘regresses’?), analyses of its aetiology will no doubt develop in their complexity …

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Sean McCabe

Sean holds an B.Sc in Applied Physics from Dublin City University and an M.Sc. in …

Jim Stewart

Dr Jim Stewart is Adjunct Associate Professor at Trinity College Dublin. His research …

Robert Sweeney

Robert Sweeney is a policy analyst at TASC and focuses on issues surrounding Irish …
