Category: Economics

Low corporate taxes and poverty

Slí Eile 27/04/2009

Sli Eile: In a letter to the Irish Times, Justin Kilcullen of Trócaire imagines what it would be like if ‘thousands of Africans, Asians, and Latin …

Back to the future

Slí Eile 22/04/2009

Sli Eile: John Maynard Keynes, speaking in UCD in 1933, praised the self-sufficiency policies of various countries including, at the time, ‘Italy, …

Budget 2009, ODA and Guru George


The effects of the recent Budget will be felt in the developing world as well as here in Ireland - click here for Oxfam's response to the ODA …

Erin Go Broke? Krugman's NT Times piece - and some reaction


Paul Krugman has an opinion piece in today's New York Times, arguing - among other points made - that "As far as responding to the recession goes, …

Analysing credit

An tSaoi 18/04/2009

An Saoi: Let us assume that the Irish economy will decline by more than 10% in 2009 and that the consumer price index will also fall by around 7%. …

The budget, the over-fifties and the under-fives

Jim Stewart 15/04/2009

Jim Stewart: The recent supplementary budget, while removing a considerable amount of income from almost everyone, also treated some groups in …

Who is Lawrence Summers?

David Jacobson 10/04/2009

David Jacobson: A New York Times article on 3rd April reveals that Lawrence H. Summers, top economic advisor to Obama, earned millions of dollars …

Budget 2009: What they're saying online


Online reactions to the Budget and its aftermath include Karl Whelan over at the Irish Economy blog, who makes a pithy point today regarding Peter …

Budget 2009: What they're saying (II)


The Society of St. Vincent de Paul points out that 30% of people already in poverty have a job, and states that bringing those below the minimum wage …

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Shana Cohen

Dr. Shana Cohen is the Director of TASC. She studied at Princeton University and at the …

Robert Sweeney

Robert Sweeney is a policy analyst at TASC and focuses on issues surrounding Irish …

Sean McCabe

Sean holds an B.Sc in Applied Physics from Dublin City University and an M.Sc. in …
