Category: Economics
The efficiency of “saving” vs “creating” jobs
Marie Sherlock 05/06/2009
Marie Sherlock: As the country goes to the polls tomorrow, Live register figures for the first five months of 2009 are due to be released. The …
Where's our 'Green' Whitaker?
John Barry: In the context of the severe crisis Ireland faces – which for me goes beyond the current economic/financial crisis but should be viewed …
The stagflation myth
Paul Krugman has a post up on his blog today pointing out that "Ever since Reagan, conservatives have been using the evils of stagflation to denounce …
Surely we can do better than this?
Slí Eile 28/05/2009
Sli Eile: Writing in the Irish Times, Michael Casey a former chief economist with the Central Bank argues that a ‘Change of Government will not …
Post-Celtic-Tiger errata
John Barry: Have just read Showcasing Globalisation?: The Political Economy of the Irish Republic by Nicola Jo-Anne Smith. It’s a good source of …
James Galbraith: "No return to normal"
Professor James Galbraith will be speaking at the TASC Annual Lecture on June 4th, at 6.30 p.m. in the Royal Irish Academy. Meanwhile, here are some …
Fortune Magazine's analysis of Ireland's 'new troubles'
Paul Sweeney 21/05/2009
Paul Sweeney: Fortune magazine takes a look at Ireland’s “New Troubles” in the current issue, 1st June 2009. It is a particularly shallow and a …
Guest Post: Response to Richard Tol on 'Green New Deal'
John Barry: Richard Tol, over at Irish Economy, has an ‘interesting’ take on one of the components of a Green New Deal for Ireland. Focusing on …
Keep cutting and hoping?
Slí Eile 20/05/2009
Slí Eile: If anything the atmosphere at today's 2nd 'Economic Crisis' conference in Dublin was gloomier than the first one last January. It was a …
Sean McCabe
Sean holds an B.Sc in Applied Physics from Dublin City University and an M.Sc. in …
Shana Cohen
Dr. Shana Cohen is the Director of TASC. She studied at Princeton University and at the …
Vic Duggan
Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …