Category: Economics
We always need sceptical economists
Paul Sweeney 03/07/2009
Paul Sweeney: There is a growing consensus that the collapse in the world economy is due largely to the failure of the liberalisation, privatisation, …
More Cutting Times (Rent Supplement)
Nat O'Connor 29/06/2009
Nat O'Connor: Today’s Irish Times suggests that rent supplement (along with child benefit) is being targeted for cuts by the Special Group on …
Cutting times?
Today's Sunday Tribune leads with leaked reports of the cuts likely to be proposed by 'An Bord Snip Nua'. Click here to read the story, and here to …
Krugman on macroeconomics and the 'Great Ignorance'
"Doing what I think of as real macroeconomics — the tradition that runs through Keynes and Hicks — actually involves thinking about …
"The only show in town?"
Slí Eile 25/06/2009
Slí Eile: In recent days, there has been a rush of reports (including EMU Public Finances 2009, IMF Report on Irish Economy, OECD Economic Outlook …
What did you do during the Great Recession, Grandad?
Slí Eile 18/06/2009
Slí Eile: Some time in the future this question will be asked and, perhaps, the answer will be (at least in an Irish context): A small number of us …
Markets and morality
Paul Sweeney 17/06/2009
Paul Sweeney: Markets and morality is an interesting subject. It should be on every economics course, but is probably absent under the narrow regime …
Get ready for the next big thing
Slí Eile 16/06/2009
Sli Eile: This is the conclusion of a writer in the current edition of that internationally respectable journal, Foreign Policy, under ‘Why bad …
Growing our way out of the trap
This from Ray Kinsella in the Irish Times this morning: "[...] We need to grow our way out of this trap. This means listening and responding to real …
Robert Sweeney
Robert Sweeney is a policy analyst at TASC and focuses on issues surrounding Irish …
Vic Duggan
Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …
Jim Stewart
Dr Jim Stewart is Adjunct Associate Professor at Trinity College Dublin. His research …