Category: Economics
The Fetishists of Farmleigh
Colm O'Doherty 22/09/2009
Colm O'Doherty: The conceit at the heart of the Global Economic Forum at Farmleigh was that it lacked the will and resolve to make any alternative to …
NAMA: Gamble of the Century
Slí Eile 17/09/2009
Slí Eile: Its now N-Day plus one. So, what do we know now that we didn’t know last Tuesday? And what would people outside this island say about …
A demographic take
An tSaoi 16/09/2009
An Saoi: Accurate and current information is crucial to giving an up to date view of what is really going on in the Irish economy. The Commission for …
TASC economics conference
Towards a Progressive Economics, DCU School of Business, Saturday October 10th: click here for more information and registration details.
The wooly mammoth conundrum
Michael Taft 15/09/2009
Michael Taft: How frustrating to read a generalised statement that has the hallmarks of authority but completely breaks down after a mere few minutes …
'Principle of revenue neutrality' proves Government's lack of vision
Mary Murphy 11/09/2009
Mary Murphy: The average percentage of GDP spent on social protection in the EU-15 is 27.5% (Eurostat, 2007) . The Irish rate of 18.2% compares badly …
Innovation and the smart economy
David Jacobson 09/09/2009
David Jacobson: Innovation is universally accepted as extremely important for economic competitiveness. However, there is frequently confusion as to …
Evidence of public desire for alternative economics
Nat O'Connor 03/09/2009
Nat O'Connor: Today's Irish Times/TNS mrbi poll can be interpreted as showing public desire for progressive alternatives to the political and …
A Smart Approach
Nat O'Connor 28/08/2009
Nat O'Connor: I agree with some of what Philip R Lane wrote today about taking a smart approach to balancing the public finances. I agree when he …
Shana Cohen
Dr. Shana Cohen is the Director of TASC. She studied at Princeton University and at the …
Paul Sweeney
Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …
Vic Duggan
Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …