Category: Economics
Coronavirus, Solidarity and an Emerging Eurozone Crisis
Jim Stewart 10/04/2020
The Coronavirus crisis has become the news. Like the virus, it is spreading from detailed public health analysis and discussion to …
Low Pay in the Time of Covid-19
Robert Sweeney 06/04/2020
If there are any silver linings to the Corona Virus, one of them is that it has brought into focus how reliant we are on low-paid workers. As 23% of …
The Anatomy of a Crisis
Robert Sweeney 30/03/2020
A Look Back at the 2008 Crisis These are unchartered waters. Ireland is now in effective lockdown. As the dust settles on the enormity of the health …
Coronavirus: It can’t be politics as usual if we are to survive
Shana Cohen 19/03/2020
Coronavirus has shown that there has never been a more important time to shift from the politics of me to the politics of us – but are our …
The EU’s Inane Fiscal Rules are finally relaxed
Paul Sweeney 18/03/2020
At last, the inane Fiscal Rules are to be relaxed. It took the Covid19 crisis to force this action by the EU leadership. In a recent blog I set out …
Agenda for a Progressive Finance Minister
Paul Sweeney 05/02/2020
The possibility of a progressive government allows us to dream of very serious reforms by a progressive Minister for Finance. These are some …
Reforming the EU
Paul Sweeney 07/01/2020
An EU rule which must be radically reformed is the Stability and Growth Pact (SGP). It is a set of rules intended to ensure member states in the …
The Future of Work in Rural Communities in Ireland
Sean McCabe 13/12/2019
The Carnegie UK Trust-TASC Ensuring Good Future Jobs essay collection describes many of the key challenges faced by workers in Ireland today, and …
Ireland’s recovery
Paul Sweeney 24/10/2019
If procyclical domestic policies inflated Ireland’s economic bubble, procyclical austerity demanded by the troika makes Ireland’s recovery all …
Robert Sweeney
Robert Sweeney is a policy analyst at TASC and focuses on issues surrounding Irish …
Vic Duggan
Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …
Jim Stewart
Dr Jim Stewart is Adjunct Associate Professor at Trinity College Dublin. His research …