Category: Economics
Competitiveness myths ...
"There is a real danger that, encouraged by the economists’ chorus on the need to cut costs as the way to get us out of our current economic …
With friends like these (once more on Greece)
Michael Burke 13/02/2010
Michael Burke: There are widespread reports including here, that the meeting of European Finance Ministers will agree to a series of measures aimed …
How fortunate to have avoided such disaster
Michael Taft 12/02/2010
Michael Taft: Pat McArdle celebrates the fact that the Fianna Fail government has taken up the austerity cudgels: ‘With hindsight, we were …
A pessimistic Stiglitz
Today's Guardian carries a deeply pessimistic interview with Joseph Stiglitz, who notes that "Plans to re-regulate the financial markets have run …
Falling prices and low-income households
"Price deflation for low income families will be experienced at the lower rate of 2.2% and will do little to compensate for the real drop in incomes …
A disastrous approach to disaster capitalism
Colm O'Doherty 09/02/2010
Colm O'Doherty: The captivation of our Fianna Fail-led government by the Milton Friedman /Chicago School policy trinity of privatization, government …
Government policies
Tom O'Connor 08/02/2010
Tom O'Connor: The exchequer figures published last week show that government tax revenues have fallen by €700 million from €3.7 billion in …
Lies, damned lies and statistics: car scrappage scheme
An tSaoi 04/02/2010
An Saoi: On Tuesday morning Alan Nolan of the Society of the Irish Motor Industry was on Morning Ireland and made reference to the increase in car …
AIB makes case for increased public spending
Peter Connell 02/02/2010
Peter Connell: Encouraging news from AIB. In its Economic Outlook for 2010 published last month the bank agrees with many of those writing on PE on …
Vic Duggan
Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …
Paul Sweeney
Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …
Kirsty Doyle
Kirsty Doyle is a Researcher at TASC, working in the area of health inequalities. She is …