Category: Economics

Get thee to a calculator

Michael Taft 30/05/2010

Michael Taft: ‘One and one is what I’m telling you / get a pocket computer’ So sang Blondie. Deborah Harry might have been singing to whoever …

Pain, but no gain

Michael Burke 19/05/2010

Michael Burke: In a recent piece in The Guardian, Dean Baker argues that politicians are ignoring Keynes "at their peril". Arguing that it would be …

Proinnsias Breathnach on export competitiveness - myths and facts


Over at Ireland after Nama, Proinnsias Breathnach is taking an in-depth look at the myths and facts surrounding the issue. Part I of his three-part …

Money for some, just not us

Michael Taft 17/05/2010

Michael Taft: ‘Folks, the money ain’t there. There is no untaxed honey-pot of rich people to be taxed. Put top rate taxes up to where they were …

Do cuts work?

Michael Burke 14/05/2010

Michael Burke: The Irish economy is in a Depression. Real GDP has fallen by 9.9% from its peak and real GNP by 13.8%. Even these terrifying data are …

Who will pay the inevitable tax increases?

Nat O'Connor 10/05/2010

Nat O'Connor: As part of our analysis of the Finance Act 2010 we looked at the national finances. An Saoi has pointed out that tax revenue is more or …

(II) What is the likely outcome of the Greek Crisis?

Jim Stewart 09/05/2010

Jim Stewart: Some likely outcomes can be anticipated from a recent speech by German Chancellor Angela Merkel:- (1) There will be new rules and …

The emotional life of markets (re UK election)

Nat O'Connor 07/05/2010

Nat O'Connor: Both the BBC and RTÉ coverage of the UK election have included prominant reference to the reaction of markets to the results. It is …

We need more public agreement and disagreement

Nat O'Connor 07/05/2010

Nat O'Connor:An article in the Irish Examiner presents the recent encounter between the Secretary-general of the Department of Finance (Kevin …

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Kirsty Doyle

Kirsty Doyle is a Researcher at TASC, working in the area of health inequalities. She is …

Vic Duggan

Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …

Robert Sweeney

Robert Sweeney is a policy analyst at TASC and focuses on issues surrounding Irish …
