Category: Economics

Deflation is no way to reduce debt

Slí Eile 20/06/2010

Slí Eile: The IIEA held an interesting seminar recently on sovereign debt. Here is the link. Ann Pettifor quoted Henry Liu: ‘“The young, the …

Krugman & lying eyes

Michael Burke 15/06/2010

Michael Burke: Paul Krugman, writing in the New York Times, asks whether fiscal austerity measures actually reassure the financial markets. This …

FEPS / TASC Seminar on 'Stimulating Recovery'


Speakers at a seminar organised by TASC and the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) today emphasised the need for an investment …

Earth goes around the sun - shock

Michael Burke 08/06/2010

Michael Burke: One of the reasons why economists are often held in low esteem by the general public is that they claim the mantle of science while …

Irish debt ... finally, some healthy scepticism

Michael Taft 07/06/2010

Michael Taft: Just because some people don’t get it – that shouldn’t stop us from getting it. Colm ‘Digger’ McCarthy was at it again, …

The inter-relationship of it all

Michael Taft 02/06/2010

Michael Taft: From Ernst & Young’s Economic Eye Summer 2010 forecast, two projections scream out from the report: First, employment levels …

Proinnsias Breathnach on Ireland's export competitiveness - myths and facts (III)


Part III of Proinnsias' paper is now available here; click here for Parts I and II.

Get thee to a calculator

Michael Taft 30/05/2010

Michael Taft: ‘One and one is what I’m telling you / get a pocket computer’ So sang Blondie. Deborah Harry might have been singing to whoever …

Pain, but no gain

Michael Burke 19/05/2010

Michael Burke: In a recent piece in The Guardian, Dean Baker argues that politicians are ignoring Keynes "at their peril". Arguing that it would be …

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Jim Stewart

Dr Jim Stewart is Adjunct Associate Professor at Trinity College Dublin. His research …

Robert Sweeney

Robert Sweeney is a policy analyst at TASC and focuses on issues surrounding Irish …

Vic Duggan

Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …
