Category: Economics

Affordable, manageable and sustainable

Michael Taft 04/04/2011

Michael Taft: Some commentary has suggested that Black Thursday wasn’t all that bad; in particular the bail-out won’t add much to our general …

Learning like lemmings? Non-lessons of the crisis

James Wickham 01/04/2011

James Wickham: Why did the Irish crisis happen in Ireland? Most public discussion still seems to oscillate between personalising the issue (‘greedy …

Guest post by Martin O'Dea: What can I do you for?


Martin O'Dea lectures in Management and Human Resource Management at the Dublin Business School In our day-to-day lives we consume, enjoy, utilise …

A suggestion for the EFC boosters

Tom McDonnell 30/03/2011

Tom McDonnell: The IMF as an organisation has long been criticised for its dogmatic adherence to the Washington Consensus principles regardless of …

Pavlov's dogs and barking mad economics

Michael Burke 25/03/2011

Michael Burke: Ivan Pavlov and his work are widely misunderstood. In English he is most usually associated with the phrase ‘Pavlov’s Dogs’ , …

Debt-equity swap for banks won't work

Michael Burke 21/03/2011

Michael Burke: The sheer size of the bank debts being assumed by the State has led to a flurry of alternative proposals which might diminish the …

Unemployment highest since 1989

Slí Eile 15/03/2011

Slí Eile: Involuntary unemployment is long recognised as both the enemy of human dignity and a huge waste of human potential capital. The latest …

Munchau’s purgatory between bailout and default

Tom McDonnell 14/03/2011

Tom McDonnell: Weak measures to report from Part 1 of the big European double header last weekend: see here and here. The unfortunate unwillingness …

The impact of cost competitiveness in Ireland

Slí Eile 13/03/2011

Slí Eile: Some assertions abound in the media and among 'informed' economist commentary. These are frequently based on ideology more than fact. Take …

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Paul Sweeney

Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …

Robert Sweeney

Robert Sweeney is a policy analyst at TASC and focuses on issues surrounding Irish …

Vic Duggan

Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …
