Category: Economics
Martin Wolf's Intolerable Choices for the Eurozone
Martin Wolf provides a timely analysis of the Eurozone's options. Wolf argues that ultimately the Eurozone faces a choice between default and partial …
The Gloves are Off!
Sinéad Pentony 27/05/2011
Sinead Pentony: When the Report of the Independent Review of EROs and REA Wage Setting Mechanisms was published on Wednesday, there was a general …
How will it end?
Tom McDonnell 24/05/2011
Tom McDonnell: It is too early to tell but there are worrying signs that the Euro zone crisis may spread. Bond spreads for Spanish and Italian …
Eurozone Failures - Time for Eurobonds and a Radical Rethink
Tom McDonnell 20/05/2011
Tom McDonnell: Two quick links: Guillermo De La Dehesa of CEPR has put together a very useful one-pager that should be mandatory reading for the …
Options on default
Tom O'Connor 12/05/2011
Tom O'Connor: Doomsday scenarios have been painted recently by Prof. Morgan Kelly and others concerning the need to abandon to EU/IMF deal on the one …
April tax figures - not as good as they look
An tSaoi 05/05/2011
An Saoi: At an initial examination the April figures appear to be very good. However, at closer examination I think that there are a number of …
Troika statement: It's Friday, let's go to the pub
From the statement by the EC, ECB and IMF released today: ‘The teams’ assessment is that the program is on track but challenges remain and …
Stiglitz on the Irish crisis
Tom McDonnell 15/04/2011
Tom McDonnell: Joe Stiglitz's preface to a new collection of essays on Exiting from the Crisis makes for interesting reading. The publication (to …
Facing Up to Reality II: The Methodological Flaw in An Bord Snip Nua
This post follows on from a previous contribution. Michael Taft: In the previous post, we saw how billions of fiscal contraction has led to little …
Sean McCabe
Sean holds an B.Sc in Applied Physics from Dublin City University and an M.Sc. in …
Jim Stewart
Dr Jim Stewart is Adjunct Associate Professor at Trinity College Dublin. His research …
Paul Sweeney
Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …