Category: Economics

Lender of Last Resort

Tom McDonnell 19/10/2011

Tom McDonnell: Bernard Delbecque proposes using the EFSF as a lender of last resort here. The ECB is the other plausible candidate. The lack of a …

Abandon hope all ye who enter here

Tom McDonnell 19/10/2011

Tom McDonnell: Martin Wolf has an excellent and honest appraisal of the chances of the Euro crisis being successfully resolved in a way that is …

Second Republicans versus Banana Republicans

Tom McDonnell 13/10/2011

Tom McDonnell: The latest Dublin Review of Books is out and this time we have a contribution from the always cogent Michael O'Sullivan. It's well …

Inequality and Budget 2012

Sinéad Pentony 10/10/2011

Sinéad Pentony: In the run up to Budget 2012, the discourse is going to be dominated by the scale of the fiscal adjustment (€3.6 billion) and the …

Sailing rudderless into the Anglo storm

Tom McDonnell 05/10/2011

Tom McDonnell: The Greek tragedy that is the eurozone debt crisis may soon enter its fourth act. A hard write-down of Greek debt is necessary and …

'Understanding what controls us'

Peter Connell 05/10/2011

Peter Connell: Writing in last Saturday’s Guardian, Ian Jack, bemoaning the irrelevance of the current party conference season in the UK, argued …

The case for a Financial Transaction Tax is compelling

Jim Stewart 04/10/2011

Jim Stewart: The reaction to the proposal from the European Commission, France and Germany, for a financial transaction tax (FTT) has produced a …

Cork incomes seminar


Videos of yesterday's seminar on 'Incomes - Instruments of Recovery', held in Cork, will be available shortly. Meanwhile, click here to see some of …

Party nation

Michael Taft 27/09/2011

Michael Taft: Remember that statement – how during the boom years we all ‘partied’ as a nation? Remember those prescriptions – how we had to …

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Jim Stewart

Dr Jim Stewart is Adjunct Associate Professor at Trinity College Dublin. His research …

Robert Sweeney

Robert Sweeney is a policy analyst at TASC and focuses on issues surrounding Irish …

Vic Duggan

Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …
