Category: Economics
TASC's Response to the Public Spending Announcements
Nat O'Connor 05/12/2011
Nat O'Connor: We have made an initial response to the Budget 2012 public spending announcments. The reforms to the budgetary process could be a …
It's official - austerity isn't working
Michael Burke 05/12/2011
Michael Burke: The Department of Finance’s White Paper Estimates for the 2012 Budget make for grim reading. The White Paper can be found here. What …
More tax questions than answers
Sheila Killian 04/12/2011
Sheila Killian: The 2012 Estimates published over the weekend make for interesting reading in the context of what has already been leaked from the …
Budget 2012: carbon tax, motor tax and motivations
Aoife Ní Lochlainn 02/12/2011
Aoife Ní Lochlainn: As we get closer to the budget day (or budget days), the shape of Government plans is becoming clearer. We know, both from leaks …
Child Benefit and our values
Tom McDonnell 02/12/2011
Tom McDonnell: As Peadar Kirby said in the blog earlier today: "Budgets should be seen as opportunities to debate national choices for expenditure …
Budget 2012: Where's the substance?
Peadar Kirby 02/12/2011
Peadar Kirby: Amid all the kite flying, the scaremongering and the testing of the electorate’s pain threshold, the central lesson of the …
A new deal is required
Tom McDonnell 01/12/2011
Tom McDonnell: On Monday and Tuesday we will be treated to the latest instalments of the austerity show. While the structural deficit does need to be …
Poverty, inequality and Budget 2012
Sinéad Pentony 30/11/2011
Sinéad Pentony: The publication of the preliminary results from the 2010 Survey of Income and Living Conditions (SILC) is very timely in the run up …
Let's see rationales behind Budget decisions
Tom McDonnell 29/11/2011
Tom McDonnell: When Minister Noonan stands up in the Dáil next Tuesday it would be helpful if the tax measures he is introducing were accompanied by …
Vic Duggan
Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …
Paul Sweeney
Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …
Jim Stewart
Dr Jim Stewart is Adjunct Associate Professor at Trinity College Dublin. His research …