Category: Economics
Guest post by Martin O'Dea: A simple suggestion
Martin O'Dea 14/06/2012
Martin O'Dea: Forgetting banking debt and its link to sovereign debt and resolutions required around this issue and just dealing with excessive …
Guest post by Suzanne Rosselet-McCauley and Adrian Devitt: Restoring sustainable competitiveness
Suzanne Rosselet-McCauley, Adrian Devitt 11/06/2012
Suzanne Rosselet-McCauley and Adrian Devitt: Competitiveness is one of the most abused terms in modern economics, meaning many different things to …
Joseph Stiglitz on the price of inequality
[...] America has the highest level of inequality of any of the advanced countries – and its gap with the rest has been widening. In the …
Krugman - on just about everything
Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman's visit to Britain has given rise to a number of interviews and articles. Click here here to read a full transcript of …
Guest post by Arthur Doohan (II): Debt realities
Arthur Doohan 22/05/2012
Arthur Doohan: In five years we have gone from being the "pinup stars" for EU growth to being the "posterchildren" for austerity and, like a nodding …
Guest post by Arthur Doohan: It's the economy, stupid
Arthur Doohan 17/05/2012
Arthur Doohan: "...most of the people ...were unhappy… Many solutions were suggested for this problem, but most of these were largely concerned …
So what do the markets think?
The victory of Francois Hollande in the French Presidential contest provides a further insight into the operation of the bond markets. It is …
Are things getting better, or worse?
Michael Burke 11/05/2012
Michael Burke: The EU Commission Spring 2012 economic forecasts have just been published. It is likely that the downgrading of current growth …
The structural deficit just got worse
Michael Taft 11/05/2012
Michael Taft: The latest EU Commission projections are out and, if anything, they show an even higher structural deficit than what the Government is …
Kirsty Doyle
Kirsty Doyle is a Researcher at TASC, working in the area of health inequalities. She is …
Robert Sweeney
Robert Sweeney is a policy analyst at TASC and focuses on issues surrounding Irish …
Paul Sweeney
Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …