Category: Corporate governance

Privatisation Pendulum Swings Back.

Paul Sweeney 20/12/2018

In my last blog in November, we saw that privatisation is being reversed in the UK, the original home of the Thatcher ideology of “rolling back the …

Now inevitable that public money will be wasted on rural broadband

Donal Palcic, Eoin Reeves 29/11/2018

The decision to continue with the procurement of the national broadband plan (NBP) is not a surprise as the main findings of the review by Peter …

A digital tax is coming


The EU proposal to introduce a form of digital services tax (DST), that is, a tax on the sales revenues of firms whose main activities are in the …

Finally, the Privatisation Pendulum Swings Back.

Paul Sweeney 09/11/2018

Trends in Economics Trends in economics swing one way and then back. The privatisation trend that begun in the 1980s in the UK is finally swinging …

ESB should build broadband network in co-operation with other State utilities

Donal Palcic, Eoin Reeves 19/10/2018

Last week’s controversial resignation of minister Denis Naughten is generally believed to have thrown the National Broadband Plan (NBP) into …

Living wage

Robert Sweeney 17/07/2018

LAST WEEK THE Living Wage Technical Group published an update of the living wage in Ireland. The living wage calculates the wage needed to live a …

The Irish Entrepreneurial State

Paul Sweeney 27/06/2018

In the last blog I set out how Aer Lingus, an entrepreneurial Irish state company, grew into a major company with over 14,000 employees in several …

The Irish Entrepreneurial State

Paul Sweeney 11/06/2018

In my last blog I looked at the Wild Atlantic Way as a good example of entrepreneurial thinking by public employees of the Irish state. Mariana …

Statistics don’t always tell the truth

Sinead Pembroke 08/05/2018

Today, statistics are major currencies in policy discussions and debates. They are used as weapons by government ministers, politicians and political …

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Kirsty Doyle

Kirsty Doyle is a Researcher at TASC, working in the area of health inequalities. She is …

Vic Duggan

Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …

Jim Stewart

Dr Jim Stewart is Adjunct Associate Professor at Trinity College Dublin. His research …
