Category: Banking and finance

What's a Euro anyway?


Is a euro in a Cypriot bank, locked down by withdrawal limits and capital controls, the same as a euro in an Irish or French bank? Is a euro sitting …

Comparison of EU Bank Bailouts


Michael Taft uses Eurostat data here to compare the 'direct' impacts on General Government Deficits caused by the EU's numerous bank bailouts. In …

Promissory Notes: Any old deal won't do

Tom McDonnell 14/01/2013

Tom McDonnell: There is a real risk that any old deal in advance of the 31 March payment will be hailed as a victory after the failure to get a deal …

Open debate on paying the promissory notes - the long countdown

Tom McDonnell 13/12/2012

Tom McDonnell: Various official sources (including Ministers) have been making the claim in recent days that the 2012 promissory note to the IBRC …

The Default Option - Cancelling the Odious Debt

Tom McDonnell 14/11/2012

Tom McDonnell: We have seen again in the last few days that the troika are a not a monolith. They disagree quite fundamentally on many issues. It is …

Guest post by Arthur Doohan: A perp walk for banks

Arthur Doohan 07/08/2012

Arthur Doohan: We all had a pleasantly salacious time some days ago watching various white-collar villains being hauled before the courts and given …

A long ways to go

Michael Taft 30/07/2012

Michael Taft: It is difficult to come to a judgement on the NTMA bond sale. That we entered the bond market accessing new money is a plus, especially …

Guest post by Arthur Doohan: Don't complain - start repairing LIBOR

Arthur Doohan 20/07/2012

Arthur Doohan:LIBOR ‘structurally flawed’ says the ‘Fed’.... Power corrupts...even a little power corrupts quite a we have seen, …

MOU for Spain

Tom McDonnell 11/07/2012

Tom McDonnell: The Spanish Memorandum of understanding is here. EL Pais has distilled it down to 32 key points here. Eurointelligence helpfully …

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Kirsty Doyle

Kirsty Doyle is a Researcher at TASC, working in the area of health inequalities. She is …

Shana Cohen

Dr. Shana Cohen is the Director of TASC. She studied at Princeton University and at the …

Vic Duggan

Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …
