Category: Banking and finance
Property Tax
Nat O'Connor 18/05/2010
Nat O'Connor: The Taoiseach has been talking about the introduction of property tax (Irish Independent, Irish Times). A part of this is tax on …
We need more public agreement and disagreement
Nat O'Connor 07/05/2010
Nat O'Connor:An article in the Irish Examiner presents the recent encounter between the Secretary-general of the Department of Finance (Kevin …
Can we have some more transparency please?
Slí Eile 28/04/2010
Slí Eile: In regard to Anglo-Irish Bank claims have been made that: (i) winding up would cost Ireland €70bn and (ii) defaulting on some €15bn in …
The great fiscal shell game
Michael Taft 22/04/2010
Michael Taft: The only enjoyable aspect of Eurostat’s decision today to reclassify the Anglo-Irish Bank subsidy as a liability on the General …
Bankers and inequality
Paul Sweeney 21/04/2010
Paul Sweeney: New research from the LSE’s Centre for Economic Performances shows that in the decade from 1998, the top 10 per cent of workers in …
Bank shareholders bailed out, welfare recipients to pay
Michael Burke 02/04/2010
Michael Burke: There is clearly a degree of dissembling that is taking place regarding the bank nationalisation, smokesceens about leaving the Euro, …
Banks: elsewhere on the web ....
Over at Ireland after Nama, Declan Curran asks some pertinent questions. On Irish Economy, Karl Whelan takes a look at The Good, the Bad and the …
The 'I'm really getting tired of this nonsense' guide to bond yield trends
Michael Taft 31/03/2010
Michael Taft: There are others who will discuss intelligently the fall-out from Ireland’s financial Black Hole Day (Sli Eile, Stephen Kinsella and …
How much are the bank bailouts going to cost us?
Nat O'Connor 31/03/2010
Nat O'Connor: There is a lack of clarity about just how much the bank bailout will cost ordinary people. But based on recent news, the estimated …
Robert Sweeney
Robert Sweeney is a policy analyst at TASC and focuses on issues surrounding Irish …
Vic Duggan
Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …
Sean McCabe
Sean holds an B.Sc in Applied Physics from Dublin City University and an M.Sc. in …