Category: Banking and finance
'Pluck' and reckless banks
Paul Sweeney 01/09/2010
Paul Sweeney: Regular Progressive Economy blogger on Finance, Dr Jim Stewart, has a letter in today’s Financial Times - co-authored by his TCD …
Pluck of the Irish?
Jim Stewart 30/08/2010
Jim Stewart: Have they been reading Progressive Economy posts on Anglo Irish Bank? You can read the Financial Times editorial here.
What to do about Anglo Irish Bank?
Jim Stewart 24/08/2010
Jim Stewart: Much comment argues that the increasing cost of Irish Government borrowing (the second/third highest in the eurozone and over twice the …
Moody's downgrades - an investment upgrade required
Michael Burke 19/07/2010
Michael Burke: Moody's ratings' agency has just downgraded Irish government debt. The move brings it into line with the other agencies' assessments. …
The 'Prodigal Son' Dilemma in Irish Mortgage Debt
Nat O'Connor 07/07/2010
Nat O'Connor: Mortgage payments are on a lot of people's minds these days, and there has been a fair deal of coverage in the media about negative …
Portable Mortgages
Nat O'Connor 22/06/2010
Nat O'Connor: Two contradictory pieces in the news about mortgages. On the one hand, it was reported that some lenders are preparing to offer …
The Reports ...
The Watson/Regling report is available here, and the Honohan report is available here. Comments?
Mortgage arrears and the case for assistance
Tom O'Connor 31/05/2010
Tom O'Connor: The comments last week by the Financial Regulator Matthew Elderfield display a callous indifference to the plight of 77,000 people …
The Honohan and Regling reports
Jim Stewart 27/05/2010
Jim Stewart: There is considerable media coverage and speculation about the contents of the forthcoming Honohan Report on the role of the Central …
Vic Duggan
Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …
Sean McCabe
Sean holds an B.Sc in Applied Physics from Dublin City University and an M.Sc. in …
Kirsty Doyle
Kirsty Doyle is a Researcher at TASC, working in the area of health inequalities. She is …