Blog Archive
Over-enthusiastic spam checker
Apologies to any PE readers who've had their comments filtered as spam. During the past week or so, the automatic spam checker has been …
How much is the taxpayer on the hook for?
Michael Burke 05/04/2011
Michael Burke: Frightening people into submission is a fairly easy trick. One tactic is to frighten them with an outlandish demand – then soften …
Is the IMF changing? A hard-hitting attack on the Washington Consensus
Paul Sweeney 05/04/2011
Paul Sweeney: As the IMF is here in Ireland, with the ECB and EU Commission, on a mission of assisting Irish citizens to bail out our banks and thus …
March tax returns
An tSaoi 05/04/2011
An Saoi: The tax returns for March give us our first real feel for what is happening in the economy in 2011 through the bi-monthly VAT returns. VAT …
Coffey on the banking cost
Tom McDonnell 04/04/2011
Tom McDonnell: Seamus Coffey has put together a very lucid post over at Economic Incentives estimating the actual scale of the banking cost. This …
Affordable, manageable and sustainable
Michael Taft 04/04/2011
Michael Taft: Some commentary has suggested that Black Thursday wasn’t all that bad; in particular the bail-out won’t add much to our general …
Banking on a new deal
Slí Eile 03/04/2011
Slí Eile: Banking is at the heart of the economy. It should serve two core social needs: - A place of security for those who deposit savings - A …
Learning like lemmings? Non-lessons of the crisis
James Wickham 01/04/2011
James Wickham: Why did the Irish crisis happen in Ireland? Most public discussion still seems to oscillate between personalising the issue (‘greedy …
The Roubini verdict on the recapitalisations
Tom McDonnell 01/04/2011
Tom McDonnell: Credibility is a hard earned thing. The commentariat is overrun with the views of so-called experts whose predictions have …
Robert Sweeney
Robert Sweeney is a policy analyst at TASC and focuses on issues surrounding Irish …
Sean McCabe
Sean holds an B.Sc in Applied Physics from Dublin City University and an M.Sc. in …
Vic Duggan
Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …