Blog Archive
Every Aspect of our Lives will be Impacted by the Coming Reform of the EU's Fiscal Rules
Paul Sweeney 18/12/2020
Last March in a blog I pointed out that the inane fiscal rules of the EU "the Stability and Growth Pact" (SGP) (also called the Fiscal Rules) were to …
Is Inflation about to take off again?
Paul Sweeney 04/12/2020
Irish Consumer Prices fell by 1.5% in the year to October 2020. Euro area prices also fell in the year, by -0.3%. Irish consumer price levels are the …
The decline in inequality:
Robert Sweeney 30/11/2020
The latest CSO SILC release makes for some interesting findings. It shows that income inequality has continued to fall. This makes Ireland unusual …
‘Degrowth’ in the North of Ireland – what is it, and why do we need it?
Seán Fearon 24/11/2020
What is ‘degrowth’? The language of economic growth is the language most of us use to speak about and understand our economy. A ‘growing’ …
Inequality, equal pay and the care economy
Robert Sweeney 10/11/2020
The distribution of both paid and unpaid care work in society is probably the single, largest factor affecting economic inequalities between men and …
An effective corporation-tax system for the EU
Paul Sweeney 07/11/2020
This blog post first appeared in Social Europe. The European social contract is broken. The largest companies are no longer contributing …
Biden Must Consider the Needs of Trump Supporters
Shana Cohen 20/10/2020
This article first appeared in the Irish Times on October 16, 2020. Recent polls of voters in Texas have shown former vice-president Joe …
Should progressive politics focus on high-income earners?
Marcos González Hernando, Gerry Mitchell 19/10/2020
Speaking at a recent TASC event, Ged Nash, Labour’s frontbench spokesperson on finance, public expenditure and reform, urged progressives to use …
A fair budget for today's pensioners ?
Rosheen Callender 16/10/2020
Today's pensioners were reasonably well served by Budget 2021. But what about tomorrow's pensioners? Urgent and radical planning and action is …
Shana Cohen
Dr. Shana Cohen is the Director of TASC. She studied at Princeton University and at the …
Paul Sweeney
Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …
Sean McCabe
Sean holds an B.Sc in Applied Physics from Dublin City University and an M.Sc. in …