Blog Archive
Austerity the wrong medicine?
A quick link to Robert Reich's post on Social Europe Journal here.
Austerity plus uncertainty equals more contraction
Slí Eile 18/08/2011
Slí Eile: Voxeu had an interesting contribution by Miguel Kiguel [Argentina and Greece: More similarities than differences in the initial …
The Merkozy Summit
Link to Karl Whelan's analysis of the latest developments in the Eurozone Crisis. 'The Merkozy Summit - Bad Politics, Bad Economics'.
"This is a system in deep trouble"
Sinéad Pentony 15/08/2011
Sinéad Pentony: In The Guardian, Larry Elliott argues that “only a new way of managing the global economy can prevent more mayhem in the market …
Guest Post by Arthur Doohan: "Federalise the Debt" has become a mantra and a “meme” in recent weeks
There are many people in the world who hope that someone else can, with a few waves and strokes of an implement, make all their troubles go away. The …
A suggestion for Summer Schools
Slí Eile 11/08/2011
Slí Eile: An interesting suggestion is made here. Perhaps it might be extended to reviews of macro-economic policy, conferences think-ins etc. We …
NESC Report on Responses to Unemployment Crisis
Sinéad Pentony 11/08/2011
Sinéad Pentony: Earlier this week NESC published its latest Report on Supports and Services for Unemployed Jobseekers: Challenges and Opportunities …
Is Ireland heading into a slowdown, too?
Michael Taft 11/08/2011
Michael Taft: The global recovery is now expected to ease off in the latter half of this year with a range of data suggesting a slowdown in the …
Inequality and the UK Riots
Aoife Ní Lochlainn 10/08/2011
Aoife Ní Lochlainn: Amongst the acres of news coverage devoted to the UK riots, comes an interesting piece of work in the Guardian, ‘Mapping the …
Robert Sweeney
Robert Sweeney is a policy analyst at TASC and focuses on issues surrounding Irish …
Kirsty Doyle
Kirsty Doyle is a Researcher at TASC, working in the area of health inequalities. She is …
Vic Duggan
Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …