Blog Archive

Ireland, Iceland and banks

Paul Sweeney 08/11/2011

Paul Sweeney: A most interesting and unexpected link here. Of all places, the IMF website has a short piece on Iceland. The key difference between …

The Flaw - essential viewing


PE doesn't generally post film promos - but we're making an exception in the case of The Flaw, which airs tonight (November 8th) in the True Stories …

Turning phrases in the face of reality

Michael Taft 07/11/2011

Michael Taft: So we have more austerity and less growth, more debt and less jobs, more spending cuts and less investment – welcome to the …

Some inequality stats

Jim O'Donnell 04/11/2011

Jim O'Donnell: For inequality Stattos, some interesting reading while you wait for the Government to publish its Pre-Budget Outlook. The US …

Spinning our tax wheels

Michael Taft 03/11/2011

Michael Taft: The Exchequer statement out yesterday shows tax revenue falling short of target. The headline rate shows tax revenue at end October …

TASC Pre-Budget Submission

Aoife Ní Lochlainn 02/11/2011

Aoife Ní Lochlainn: With the conclusion of the latest round of elections and referendums, public attention will now turn to the upcoming four year …

State Investment Bank

Sean Ó Riain 31/10/2011

Sean O Riain: Michael O’Sullivan and I have an article in today’s Irish Times arguing for a state investment bank. Some links to supporting …

Towards a Second Republic

Peadar Kirby 27/10/2011

Peadar Kirby: Despite promises of the imminent announcement of a constitutional convention in the spring of next year and of plans for local …

Martin Wolf's open letter to Mario Draghi


"You must choose between two paths: the orthodox one leads towards failure; the unorthodox one should lead towards success. The eurozone confronts a …

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Vic Duggan

Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …

Kirsty Doyle

Kirsty Doyle is a Researcher at TASC, working in the area of health inequalities. She is …

Paul Sweeney

Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …
