Blog Archive

Pathways to Work - can it deliver?

Sinéad Pentony 02/03/2012

Sinéad Pentony: Pathways to Work was launched last week and it sets out to achieve some much needed reform in relation to labour market activation …

Referendum on the Austerity Pact

Tom Healy 28/02/2012

Tom Healy: With at least one Referendum on the Austerity Pact imminent over the coming months one looks forward in hope to a debate that will draw on …

As 'austerity' isn't working, what's the alternative?

Michael Burke 27/02/2012

Michael Burke: Tom Healey has made some very good points in debunking the myth that ‘austerity’ is working. In general the EU governments that …

'Austerity is working' - not

Tom Healy 24/02/2012

Tom Healy: In its latest Quarterly Economic Commentary the ESRI QEC authors observe that 'The euro zone economy is slipping into recession due to the …

The false economy of selling state assets to fund job creation

Sinéad Pentony 22/02/2012

Sinéad Pentony: Today’s announcement provides us with some more details on the government’s thinking in relation to the role of state assets in …

The EU-IMF Deal Does Not Require Privatisation

Michael Taft 22/02/2012

Michael Taft: Whatever about the case-by-case merits of the Government’s announcement today regarding the sell-off of state assets, we should be …

TASC issues new report on State Assets


Click here to download TASC's new report, The Strategic Role of State Assets - Reframing the Privatisation Debate. Comments?

Karl Whelan's briefing paper for Oireachtas Finance Committee


Karl Whelan, Brian Lucey and Stephan Kinsella are appearing before the Oireachtas Finance Committee this afternoon to discuss ELA and promissory …

A taxing fable

David Jacobson 14/02/2012

David Jacobson: In Monday’s Irish Times business editor John McManus speculated about why there had not been more response from disgruntled, …

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Shana Cohen

Dr. Shana Cohen is the Director of TASC. She studied at Princeton University and at the …

Paul Sweeney

Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …

Sean McCabe

Sean holds an B.Sc in Applied Physics from Dublin City University and an M.Sc. in …
