Blog Archive
Sony Kapoor's growth compact
Sheila Killian 17/05/2012
Sheila Killian: Sony Kapoor proposes a Growth Compact here - worth a read, especially Title III on taxes: Member states, particularly those facing …
So what do the markets think?
The victory of Francois Hollande in the French Presidential contest provides a further insight into the operation of the bond markets. It is …
Mad and madder still
Tom Healy 15/05/2012
Tom Healy: Forget 2012. Imagine 2062. In the United States of Europe let there be a poverty brake. If the structural poverty rate goes above 0.5% in …
Eurozone crisis: Updated version of Varoufakis' and Holland's 'Modest Proposal'
Yanis Varoufakis and Stuart Holland have reworked their 'Modest Proposal for Resolving the Eurozone Crisis'. Click here for Version 3.0.
European Monetary Union: Doomed to fail or just another stepping stone?
Tom McDonnell 14/05/2012
Tom McDonnell: With talk of a Greek exit from the Euro now being treated seriously it can be informative to consider past experiences with monetary …
Are things getting better, or worse?
Michael Burke 11/05/2012
Michael Burke: The EU Commission Spring 2012 economic forecasts have just been published. It is likely that the downgrading of current growth …
The structural deficit just got worse
Michael Taft 11/05/2012
Michael Taft: The latest EU Commission projections are out and, if anything, they show an even higher structural deficit than what the Government is …
New Department of Finance Economics and Banking Divisions
Nat O'Connor 11/05/2012
Nat O'Connor: The Department of Finance has established an Economics Division to focus on economic planning and performance monitoring. (RTÉ report …
The Spanish crisis, thirteen defaults to date
Tom McDonnell 10/05/2012
Tom McDonnell: As well as being World and European football champions Spain also currently holds the distinction of having the world record for …
Vic Duggan
Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …
Robert Sweeney
Robert Sweeney is a policy analyst at TASC and focuses on issues surrounding Irish …
Sean McCabe
Sean holds an B.Sc in Applied Physics from Dublin City University and an M.Sc. in …