Blog Archive

The Fiscal Compact - crisis resolution?

Tom McDonnell 03/05/2012

Tom McDonnell: Sebastian Dullien has a useful piece on the Fiscal Compact over at the Social Europe Journal. Sebastian correctly argues that none of …

Terrence McDonough on the Fiscal Treaty


IRELAND MAY well need a second bailout after 2013. And as treaties are currently worded, a No vote on the fiscal compact treaty will forbid us from …

The Promissory Notes: Deal or No Deal? No Deal

Tom McDonnell 02/05/2012

Tom McDonnell: The ECB has informed the Irish Examiner that the Irish Government has submitted no documentation to the bank pertaining to …

The ECB and the Forthcoming Referendum

Jim Stewart 26/04/2012

Jim Stewart: A recent speech delivered by Mr Asmussen (Executive Director of the ECB) at a seminar organised by the IIEA in Dublin (The Irish Case …

Ireland's financing alternatives - the EFSF

Michael Taft, Tom McDonnell 24/04/2012

Tom McDonnell and Michael Taft: In our first post, we outlined some of Ireland’s financing alternatives; namely through the IMF and the European …

Why we need an Economic Plan B


The NERI (Nevin Economic Research Institute ) will hold a seminar on Wednesday 25th April 2012 entitled ‘Why we need an economic Plan B?. Further …

Changing the way companies are taxed

Sheila Killian 20/04/2012

Sheila Killian: As reported by the Irish Times, yesterday, the European Parliament approved a resolution proposing amendments to the CCCTB (the …

Power, Trust and the Household Charge

Sheila Killian 16/04/2012

Sheila Killian: This afternoon Erich Kirchler gave a very interesting seminar here at the Kemmy Business School on the factors that affect taxpayer …

A 'closer look at Estonia'

Michael Burke 16/04/2012

Michael Burke: ‘Those who declare with infinite certainty that spending cuts and tax increases cannot work, or that there is no example of an …

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Robert Sweeney

Robert Sweeney is a policy analyst at TASC and focuses on issues surrounding Irish …

Sean McCabe

Sean holds an B.Sc in Applied Physics from Dublin City University and an M.Sc. in …

Vic Duggan

Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …
