Blog Archive

TASC Launches Equality-Proofed Water Charging Proposals

Nat O'Connor 04/06/2013

Nat O'Connor: We just launched our proposals for a more equitable model of water charging. The equitable model would involve 'water credits' as a …

Life Satisfaction and Wellbeing

Nat O'Connor 04/06/2013

Nat O'Connor: The Irish have reported a high level of "life satisfaction" in the OCED's latest Better Life Index. Yet, as pointed out by Richard …

Bill Black on Europe's Crisis


Bill Black, former finanical regulator in the US and associate professor of economics and law gives a 15-minute interview here on austerity and …

Ireland's Secret Deficit

Nat O'Connor 24/05/2013

Nat O'Connor: Reports about the deficit in the public finances are not as clear as they could be. For example, The Irish Times (2nd May) reports that …

Ray Kinsella on Ireland and the Euro Zone

Nat O'Connor 22/05/2013

Nat O'Connor: Earlier this week, Professor Ray Kinsella wrote a powerful critique of current austerity policy in the Irish Examiner. For example: …

Guest Post: Vacant Land Tax to Incentivise the Development of Unused Land in Dublin

Kieran Rose 21/05/2013

Kieran Rose: Incentivising the Development of Unused Land in Dublin City: The benefits of a Vacant Land Tax. 1. Summary Dublin City has considerable …

Ireland at the Core of Apple's Tax Avoidance Strategy

Nat O'Connor 21/05/2013

Nat O'Connor: Apple is the latest big global company in the spotlight about its tax affairs and Ireland is named and shamed as assisting the tech …

Google and Ireland's tax regime


Jim Stewart was on RTE radio 1 Morning Ireland today talking about Google and Ireland's tax regime. This can be heard here.

Ethics and regulation: complements, not alternatives


Last week former Taoiseach and President of IFSC Ireland, John Bruton, said that the banking industry needed "to focus on ethics rather than …

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Sean McCabe

Sean holds an B.Sc in Applied Physics from Dublin City University and an M.Sc. in …

Vic Duggan

Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …

Kirsty Doyle

Kirsty Doyle is a Researcher at TASC, working in the area of health inequalities. She is …
