Blog Archive

Budget 2015 Warmups

Nat O'Connor 26/09/2014

Nat O'Connor: Interesting remarks by Minister Noonan reported in The Irish Times. On tax breaks, he is quoted as saying “I use tax breaks to get a …

Another False Claim Around Cutting Higher Income Tax

Nat O'Connor 23/09/2014

Nat O'Connor: It was reported in the Irish Independent that "Under new figures released by Mr Noonan's department, a 0.5pc decrease in the top rate …

Why reduce 52%?

Nat O'Connor 19/09/2014

Nat O'Connor: Why reduce the 52% marginal tax rate? Taoiseach Enda Kenny joined the chorus of Government spokespeople to call for its demise (Irish …

The score at half time: OECD 7, Tax Avoidance ??


Today the OECD announced the deliverables on seven of their fifteen planned actions to tackle global corporate tax avoidance. (for background, see …

Political Economy and Media Coverage of the European Economic Crisis


A book by UCD academic Julien Mercille on the Irish media and the economic crisis has just been released: The Political Economy and Media Coverage of …

Wealth distribution in Ireland

Cormac Staunton 08/09/2014

Cormac Staunton: New figures from the Central Bank show that the total net worth of individuals in Ireland is €508.5 billion or €110,312 per …

The Cost of Disability - Conference


Inclusion Ireland are holding a conference on the Cost of Disability on Thursday, 25th September 2014, at the Hilton Hotel, Kilmainham, Dublin 8. The …

Budget 2015 and Tax Cuts

Nat O'Connor 25/08/2014

Nat O'Connor: Minister for State, Simon Harris, has joined the chorus calling for income tax cuts. His argument, as reported in The Irish Times, is …

The Inequality Debate

Cormac Staunton 28/07/2014

Cormac Staunton: The ESRI today released a Research Note on The Distribution of Income and the Public Finances. It adds to the growing debate on …

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Kirsty Doyle

Kirsty Doyle is a Researcher at TASC, working in the area of health inequalities. She is …

Paul Sweeney

Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …

Robert Sweeney

Robert Sweeney is a policy analyst at TASC and focuses on issues surrounding Irish …
