Blog Archive

IAG: Predator or Saviour?

An Lámh Eile 17/02/2015

An Lámh Eile: Once again the full privatization of a state company is on the agenda. Much is being made of connectivity. Connectivity is an issue …

Ireland's 'Progressive' Income Tax System

Nat O'Connor 16/02/2015

Nat O'Connor: Some commentators keep referring to the progressivity of Ireland's income tax system, as if it was the silver bullet that makes …

Response to Dan O'Brien's 'Bunkum' Article

Nat O'Connor 16/02/2015

Nat O'Connor: Dan O'Brien writes that "claims about great inequality in Ireland are just bunkum". Having had a look at the arguments in support of …

Inequality: a Real and Growing Threat to the Irish Economy

Nat O'Connor, Cormac Staunton 16/02/2015

Nat O'Connor and Cormac Staunton: Economics has always been about the study of who gets what, when and how. This issue has come into sharp focus due …

The “Two Irelands”

Cormac Staunton 13/02/2015

Cormac Staunton: Christian Aid hosted a conference in Dublin yesterday on the “Human Rights Impact of Tax and Fiscal Policy”. There were a number …

Economic Inequality: More than Incomes and Wealth

Cormac Staunton 11/02/2015

Cormac Staunton: When discussing economic inequality, there is a tendency to focus on income inequality (or sometimes wealth inequality). This is …

Immigration: wishful thinking by well-meaning people (4 of 4)

James Wickham 10/02/2015

James Wickham: Here the argument is brought to a conclusion, with a full list of references. [Part 1 of these four posts is here] 4. The moral case …

Immigration: wishful thinking by well-meaning people (3 of 4)

James Wickham 09/02/2015

James Wickham: The focus in this post is the debate about the benefits of diversity. [Part 1 of these four posts is here] Problem #8 Not all kinds of …

Immigration: wishful thinking by well-meaning people (2 of 4)

James Wickham 06/02/2015

James Wickham: To continue the analysis, looking at broader demographic and labour market issues. [Part 1 of these four posts is here] Problem #4 The …

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Sean McCabe

Sean holds an B.Sc in Applied Physics from Dublin City University and an M.Sc. in …

Robert Sweeney

Robert Sweeney is a policy analyst at TASC and focuses on issues surrounding Irish …

Vic Duggan

Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …
