Blog Archive

Immigration: wishful thinking by well-meaning people


This is the first of four blog posts by Professor James Wickham on migration James Wickham: In an article last December in the Irish Times …

Aer Lingus Watch #3

Paul Sweeney 04/02/2015

Paul Sweeney: The government will not sell its stake in Aer Lingus. Taoiseach said that he wants “a cast iron guarantee” on the slots from IAG. …

Aer Lingus Watch: The Slots are the real Target for IAG

Paul Sweeney 29/01/2015

Paul Sweeney: The real value in Aer Lingus - for IAG - is in the slots. The investor column Lex in the Financial Times, the paper of record of …

The Takeover of Another Indigenous Company by a Foreign Multinational

Paul Sweeney 27/01/2015

Paul Sweeney: “I’m not going to click my fingers because some right-wing economists believe we should privatise [Aer Lingus]. We are an island …

Why Half of Irish People are Willing to Pay More Taxes

Nat O'Connor 26/01/2015

Nat O'Connor: Most people want Ireland to be more equal, and they want this to be achieved through boosting the minimum wage, capping high pay, …

Think again about the 'squeezed middle'

Nat O'Connor 15/01/2015

Nat O'Connor: Ireland's 'squeezed middle' has been defined by the Minister for Finance, Michael Noonan, as those earning between €32,800 and …

Case for a ‘Living Wage’ gets stronger

Cormac Staunton 15/12/2014

Cormac Staunton: The recent Behaviour & Attitudes survey on inequality has some striking and perhaps surprising findings. The first is striking: …

The Issue is Income Adequacy not the Price of Water

Nat O'Connor 01/11/2014

Nat O'Connor: If ten families on a hillside got together and built their own water supply, and had to pay to monitor and treat every litre to keep it …

Why Cash Matters (Budget 2015)

Nat O'Connor 15/10/2014

Nat O'Connor: As a follow-up to my pre-Budget post on proportions, we can now look at the results of the announced USC and income tax changes. There …

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Kirsty Doyle

Kirsty Doyle is a Researcher at TASC, working in the area of health inequalities. She is …

Paul Sweeney

Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …

Vic Duggan

Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …
