Blog Archive

Time to Curb Income Tax Privileges for Artists, Sports Stars and the Corporate Elite?

Paul Sweeney 08/09/2015

Paul Sweeney: Did you know that certain people enjoy special income tax privileges in Ireland? Some of them earn far more than the rest of us, but …

More jobs, but a growing gap between good and bad jobs

Paul Sweeney 03/09/2015

Paul Sweeney: An important EU institution, which is based in in South Dublin and does valuable work, is Eurofound. It has just released “The …

Tax Breaks Won't Solve Homelessness

Nat O'Connor 01/09/2015

Nat O'Connor: Some campaigners have called for tax breaks to help provide more housing for people who are homeless. The homelessness crisis is …

Ireland's real dependency culture

Cormac Staunton 28/08/2015

Cormac Staunton: A well-balanced article about the challenges faced of our public finances by Davy Economist Conall MacCoille finished with a …

Does anyone have the vision to lead a housing revolution?

Nat O'Connor 20/08/2015

Nat O'Connor: While there is wide agreement that Ireland needs more housing supply, action is needed to encourage the right kind of supply based on a …

Podcast on Working Conditions Research


The latest installment of the TASC podcast features an interview with Prof James Wickham about his research for TASC on working conditions in …

Lessons from the Greece Debacle

Ronald Janssen 29/07/2015

Guest Post Ronald Janssen: There is no point in denying reality. By crushing a rebellious Greek government and disciplining its voters, the …

Inequality: The gap between space travel and food banks

David Begg 28/07/2015

David Begg: It is quite interesting that the British Tory Party, which originally opposed the introduction of a minimum wage, has committed itself to …

What do the OECD health statistics tell us about Ireland?

Paul Sweeney 20/07/2015

Paul Sweeney: The OECD has recently published its “Health at a Glance: Europe 2014”. This is very useful even though I am critical of this …

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Sean McCabe

Sean holds an B.Sc in Applied Physics from Dublin City University and an M.Sc. in …

Vic Duggan

Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …

Kirsty Doyle

Kirsty Doyle is a Researcher at TASC, working in the area of health inequalities. She is …
