Blog Archive
The problem with animals
David Begg 22/10/2015
David Begg: A few weeks ago I happened upon an RTÉ radio programme in which the author John Banville was talking about the genre of the Scandinavian …
Independent Review of Ireland’s PPP Experience is Essential
Eoin Reeves 21/10/2015
Eoin Reeves: A largely unnoticed feature of the government’s new €27 billion capital investment plan – Building on Recovery -is the decision …
Budget 2016: Budget ‘sweet-spot’ of €70,000 means the Top 10% is the big winner… again.
Cormac Staunton 13/10/2015
Cormac Staunton: In our analysis of last years ‘triple effect’ of changes to tax bands, tax rates and USC rates we found that Budget 2015 gave …
Budget 2016: Opportunity missed to address social crisis, particularly housing, as chronic under-investment in infrastructure continued
Rory Hearne 13/10/2015
Rory Hearne: So what do the expenditure measures announced in today’s Budget 2016 do to address Ireland’s worsening social and economic …
Flat Tax benefits Top 25% of earners and reduces services for everyone
Cormac Staunton 06/10/2015
Cormac Staunton: When trying to understand the impact of changes to the income tax system there are two vital bits of information that are needed: …
Can Corbyn win? - A Look at the Stats
Oisín Gilmore 06/10/2015
Oisin Gilmore: For over the last 100 years or so progressive politics in Western Europe has been dominated by a small number of major parties. Some …
Making Dublin the capital of Ireland
James Wickham 02/10/2015
James Wickham: Two opportunities are about to be lost for dramatic improvements to Dublin. There seems to be considerable push-back against Dublin …
Complexity of inequality means we must move beyond single indicators
Cormac Staunton 29/09/2015
Cormac Staunton: Yogi Berra, the great American Baseball player who died last week at the age of 90, is credited with the immortal line: “It’s …
Ireland's Great Inequality Debate
Cormac Staunton 28/09/2015
Cormac Staunton: Irish people know that the world is an unequal place. The exact scale of this divide was brought home to viewers who watched David …
Paul Sweeney
Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …
Kirsty Doyle
Kirsty Doyle is a Researcher at TASC, working in the area of health inequalities. She is …
Jim Stewart
Dr Jim Stewart is Adjunct Associate Professor at Trinity College Dublin. His research …