Blog Archive
Have yourself a casual Christmas: 21st century ‘entrepreneurs’ and bogus self-employment in the Irish construction sector
Alicja Bobek 23/12/2015
Alicja Bobek: For the majority of us across Ireland, Christmas means holiday. It is a festive season, providing us with a few days that we can spend …
Neither Boston nor Berlin?
David Jacobson 22/12/2015
David Jacobsen: The main front page article in last week’s (20/12/2015) Sunday Business Post begins with Enda Kenny’s promise “to cut tax bills …
Do we seriously want to make Ireland like the USA?
James Wickham 21/12/2015
James Wickham: In a recent speech the Taoiseach stated that he wanted taxes in Ireland to be as low as those in the USA. Why? Allegedly this will …
Mortgage arrears crisis remains unresolved with possibility of up to 30,000 repossessions
Rory Hearne 18/12/2015
Rory Hearne: Despite the recent Central Bank figures showing a decline in mortgage arrears there are still 37,000 mortgages for a principal dwelling …
NAMA Part II: In order to solve housing crisis the government should redirect NAMA to prioritise its social mandate
Rory Hearne 16/12/2015
Rory Hearne: NAMA presents a rare historic opportunity for the Irish people to provide affordable housing on a sustainable, equitable and …
NAMA Part 1: The Christmas gift from the Irish taxpayers to the super wealthy and vulture funds
Rory Hearne 15/12/2015
Rory Hearne: Tis the season for 'good will' and 'giving' and all that but NAMA is giving away too much from Irish taxpayers to property vulture funds …
The Paris Agreement: a major step forward or ‘worthless words’?
Peadar Kirby 14/12/2015
Paedar Kirby: Amid the widespread welcome for the Paris Agreement, what is striking is the lack of consensus on just how significant it all is. James …
Lucky to have job? Research highlights bad working conditions in hotels and restaurants
Alicja Bobek 10/12/2015
Alicja Bobek: Hospitality has always been an important part of the Irish economy. As the labour market recovers from the recent recession, jobs are …
Flat tax maths doesn’t stack up
Cormac Staunton 09/12/2015
Cormac Staunton: The debate on flat taxes arose again this week with RENUA promoting the idea of a flat income tax model for Ireland. They invited me …
Kirsty Doyle
Kirsty Doyle is a Researcher at TASC, working in the area of health inequalities. She is …
Sean McCabe
Sean holds an B.Sc in Applied Physics from Dublin City University and an M.Sc. in …
Paul Sweeney
Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …