Blog Archive

Energy poverty, environmental degradation, lack of affordable housing and the rise of the far right

Shana Cohen 09/05/2023

This article was first published in The Irish Times on the 9th of May 2023.   President Michael D Higgins’s speech at a recent …

On Economics

Robert Sweeney 08/05/2023

President Higgins’ comments on economics made a bit of a kerfuffle. He criticised, among other things, an obsession with economic growth, the …

What needs to be done to keep Irish beef farming alive and kicking

Molly Breen 11/04/2023

IntroductionAs a young student born and reared in County Dublin, I am no expert on the ins and outs of beef farming. Yet, I have always appreciated …

The principle of fair reciprocity can inform taxation in an ecosocial future

Mary Murphy 03/04/2023

This blog was first drafted as the authors speaking notes for a forum ‘The Fiscal Social Contract: How Taxation can be Applied as a Tool for Social …

Is an EU-Wide approach to the mental health crisis necessary?

Gerry Mitchell 29/03/2023

Mental health services are characterised by under-investment, a focus on hospital treatments and a lack of primary and community services; workforce …

Is an All-Party, Power-Sharing, Governmnet in Ireland Possible?

Peter Emerson 24/03/2023

As currently (undefined but) practiced, majority rule implies that any party or group of TDs/MPs which constitutes more than 50% of the …

Health and wellness are essential issues


The foundation of our health and social care system are community health services. They keep people healthy at home and …

What Can Be Done About Faulty Building

Paul Sweeney 10/02/2023

Many of the deaths in the recent Turkish earthquakes could have been prevented had there been better laws and better enforcement of the existing lax …

Cycling to Carmageddon

James Wickham 11/12/2022

In 2030 there will be more cars on the road in Ireland. As a direct result of current climate change policy, the private car will be more embedded in …

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Kirsty Doyle

Kirsty Doyle is a Researcher at TASC, working in the area of health inequalities. She is …

Sean McCabe

Sean holds an B.Sc in Applied Physics from Dublin City University and an M.Sc. in …

Vic Duggan

Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …
