Blog Archive
Where ambition meets reality: new Government spending plans do not add up
Marie Sherlock 19/05/2016
Marie Sherlock: As we have learned the hard way over the past decade, there is one hell of a gap between the lofty ambition of rescuing and building …
The Benefits of the Benefacts database
Nuala Haughey 18/05/2016
Nuala Haughey: A new database of information about some 18,000 non-profit organisations in Ireland will no doubt contribute to the drive for more …
How the Government should tackle the housing crisis
Rory Hearne 17/05/2016
Rory Hearne: The draft Programme for Partnership signals that the new Government will give urgently needed prioritisation to the housing and …
Reducing inheritance tax: populism and financialisation
James Wickham 16/05/2016
James Wickham: Last week one of the first proposals of the new government was to raise the threshold for inheritance tax. This is one of those …
Polls indicate outcome of UK referendum on the EU too close to call - Brexit is a real possibility.
Blair Horan 12/05/2016
Blair Horan: Currently the polls for the UK referendum on EU membership, which takes place on 23 June, indicate that the result is on a knife edge …
Today's UK conference on corruption is a step in the right direction, if a small one.
Paul Sweeney 11/05/2016
Paul Sweeney: Mr David Cameron, the British Prime Minister, calling Afghanistan and Nigeria corrupt, as he hosts an anti-corruption conference, today …
The dependence of EU farm income on public support
Alan Matthews 05/05/2016
Alan Matthews: In spite of the substantial reforms in the structure of the CAP over the past two decades, EU agriculture remains hugely dependent on …
Tax havens, secrecy and policy options
Jim Stewart 03/05/2016
Jim Stewart: Panama is primarily a secrecy jurisdiction. The main function of the firm at the centre of the leaked documents, Mosack Fonseca, is to …
Tax havens and the Panama Papers
Jim Stewart 29/04/2016
Jim Stewart: This blog is about tax havens: their growth; functions, characteristics, and how they might be defined. A related blog tomorrow …
Vic Duggan
Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …
Kirsty Doyle
Kirsty Doyle is a Researcher at TASC, working in the area of health inequalities. She is …
Robert Sweeney
Robert Sweeney is a policy analyst at TASC and focuses on issues surrounding Irish …