Blog Archive
How policy is driving precarious work for professionals in childcare and higher education
Sinead Pembroke 17/01/2017
How much do we know about the working conditions of the educators who look after and teach our children, our family members and ourselves? For the …
Why further reform of the CAP is needed now
Alan Matthews 16/01/2017
Recently I argued at the European Parliament that further reform of the CAP is needed now. Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy has been ongoing …
Better research engagement can deliver better research impact
Maura Adshead 13/01/2017
Nearly half the world’s population eat food cooked indoors on stoves fuelled by wood, coal or animal dung. The World Health Organization estimates …
Ethics law needs to set the tone for standards in public life
Nuala Haughey 12/01/2017
Issues of ethics in public office are enjoying a rare moment in the spotlight with the ongoing discussion over US President-elect Donald Trump’s …
Windfall Tax Could Lower the Costs of Cash-for-Ash
Nat O'Connor 10/01/2017
While it may not be possible to renege on contracts already signed under the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) scheme in Northern Ireland, one option …
TASC in 2017
James Wickham 09/01/2017
Welcome to 2017 and a brief guide to our most important activities in this new year.The analysis of economic inequality in Ireland remains the centre …
Government social housing figures don’t stack up
Rory Hearne 05/01/2017
The government has been responding to the Apollo House action by stating that dealing with the housing crisis is its “number one priority” and …
Lasting legacy of Sir Tony Atkinson, pioneer in economic inequality research
James Wickham 05/01/2017
The death has been announced of Sir Anthony (‘Tony’) Atkinson. For us at TASC Professor Atkinson was one of the most significant contemporary …
Women at Work in Ireland
Paul Sweeney 03/01/2017
Did you know that until 1973 if a woman got married in the Irish civil service, she had to resign so that a man or single woman could take her job? …
Paul Sweeney
Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …
Robert Sweeney
Robert Sweeney is a policy analyst at TASC and focuses on issues surrounding Irish …
Kirsty Doyle
Kirsty Doyle is a Researcher at TASC, working in the area of health inequalities. She is …