Blog Archive

Precarious work in Ireland

Alicja Bobek 15/12/2016

Precarious work has become a very fashionable term in recent years. We hear about it in the media and public discourse; it is also a subject of much …

Rental strategy insufficient for affordable homes

Rory Hearne 14/12/2016

The government’s Strategy for the Rental Sector, while containing the welcome provision of rental restrictions is ultimately flawed because it does …

Leave no trace? How to combat off the record government

Nuala Haughey 13/12/2016

When we think of government record keeping it often conjures up images of dusty archives stuffed with crumbling paper documents. While historical …

Is Inequality Entrenched Forever?

Paul Sweeney 12/12/2016

Will the poor be always with us, as the Bible warned? Comparing the family wealth to those with the same surname today, a new study suggests that the …

Brexit in Numbers for Ireland

Paul Sweeney 07/12/2016

The CSO has published a useful paper on what the exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union will mean for Ireland. We have seen that there …

A Progressive Development (growth) Policy for Europe

Paul Sweeney 29/11/2016

Did you know that last year 22.9 million people in the EU were unemployed, of which, a staggering 10.9 million people were long-term unemployed. At …

Is an Irish Trump possible?

Rory Hearne 25/11/2016

Trump’s election should make us reflect about our own national and regional economic and political situations and contexts. Trump’s success has …

Trumpolicy and the likely effect on real investment

Jim Stewart 24/11/2016

The effects of "Trumpolicy" on real investment are difficult to understand. Corporate investment and flows of FDI to Ireland and other countries are …

An unholy trinity

Jim Stewart 23/11/2016

The policies of the Trump administration following Brexit and possible political change in Europe in the near future could lead to unprecedented …

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Paul Sweeney

Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …

Shana Cohen

Dr. Shana Cohen is the Director of TASC. She studied at Princeton University and at the …

Vic Duggan

Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …
