Blog Archive
Towards a fair and efficient tax regime
Robert Sweeney 20/04/2018
Successive EU treaties on the one hand, and the ability of the ECB to pull the rug from under naughty nations on the other, implies that the level …
Corporates out of control
Paul Sweeney 18/04/2018
The revelation that the chairman of the Independent News Group suggested in 2016 that Ireland’s largest media group should be run in the interests …
Can we learn from the US? DARPA - Public Entrepreneurship in practice?
Paul Sweeney 10/04/2018
We Europeans generally feel superior to Americans, particularly on policies in healthcare, welfare, and the organisation of society. But perhaps …
GDP and its alternatives
Robert Sweeney 04/04/2018
Perhaps no other single number or indicator receives as much attention as the total output of an economy. The standard measure for this is gross …
Facing difficult choices: precarious workers' access to healthcare in Ireland
Sinead Pembroke 21/03/2018
Imagine you have an excruciating backache that won’t go away. What if you have a virus that you need a prescription of anti-biotics to cure? Or …
Can anyone give me another word for precarious?
Keith Murdiff 20/03/2018
The history of English Language Teaching (ELT) in Ireland can be traced back to one of its most famous teachers- James Joyce. Despite the fact that …
Raising employment
Robert Sweeney 16/03/2018
The issue of pay and employment props up occasionally in public discourse but rarely receives the attention it merits. With international women’s …
Housing precarity and the private rental sector
Michael Byrne 06/03/2018
Much of the response to rapid growth of the private rental sector has focused on the issue of high rent levels. This is hardly surprising given that …
Transparency Will be Key to Delivering the National Investment Plan
Eoin Reeves 28/02/2018
The new national development plan Project Ireland 2040 could very well be a game changer in terms of Ireland’s future economic prospects. …
Kirsty Doyle
Kirsty Doyle is a Researcher at TASC, working in the area of health inequalities. She is …
Vic Duggan
Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …
Jim Stewart
Dr Jim Stewart is Adjunct Associate Professor at Trinity College Dublin. His research …