Blog Archive
NBP: Problematic privatisation
Donal Palcic 28/09/2018
The roots of the ongoing debacle with the implementation of the National Broadband Plan (NBP) can be traced back to the privatisation of Eircom. …
The solution to the housing crisis?
Rory Hearne 14/09/2018
There is general acceptance that the housing crisis has reached unacceptable levels. However, the government’s current policies are inadequate to …
Will the Rainy Day Fund Become Another Corporate Bailout?
Paul Sweeney 03/09/2018
The last National Pension Reserve Fund was raided & most of it was squandered. Ireland had a Sovereign Wealth Fund – 1% of GNP plus profits …
Think Tanks Should Put 'Public' Back in Policy
Shana Cohen 23/08/2018
According to the University of Pennsylvania’s Think Tanks and Civil Society Program, “think tanks are public policy research, analysis, and …
Living wage
Robert Sweeney 17/07/2018
LAST WEEK THE Living Wage Technical Group published an update of the living wage in Ireland. The living wage calculates the wage needed to live a …
The Irish Entrepreneurial State
Paul Sweeney 27/06/2018
In the last blog I set out how Aer Lingus, an entrepreneurial Irish state company, grew into a major company with over 14,000 employees in several …
No ordinary housing crisis
Rory Hearne 20/06/2018
As I outlined in the first part of this article (see link here), the housing and homelessness crisis is no ordinary crisis. This is not a temporary …
The Crucial Role of Enterprise Policy
Sean Ó Riain 19/06/2018
This past week has brought new controversies about Ireland’s status as a ‘tax haven’, following new research from researchers at the University …
No ordinary housing crisis
Rory Hearne 14/06/2018
This is no ordinary crisis. The Irish housing system is in a state of ‘structural ‘shock’. Home-ownership rates have collapsed to levels not …
Vic Duggan
Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …
Paul Sweeney
Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …
Robert Sweeney
Robert Sweeney is a policy analyst at TASC and focuses on issues surrounding Irish …