Blog Archive

Privatisation Pendulum Swings Back.

Paul Sweeney 20/12/2018

In my last blog in November, we saw that privatisation is being reversed in the UK, the original home of the Thatcher ideology of “rolling back the …

Now inevitable that public money will be wasted on rural broadband

Donal Palcic, Eoin Reeves 29/11/2018

The decision to continue with the procurement of the national broadband plan (NBP) is not a surprise as the main findings of the review by Peter …

A digital tax is coming


The EU proposal to introduce a form of digital services tax (DST), that is, a tax on the sales revenues of firms whose main activities are in the …

Finally, the Privatisation Pendulum Swings Back.

Paul Sweeney 09/11/2018

Trends in Economics Trends in economics swing one way and then back. The privatisation trend that begun in the 1980s in the UK is finally swinging …

Public spending and services in the years to come

Robert Sweeney 30/10/2018

With the dust settling on the recent budget, it is a good time to take stock of Irish economic policy, current and future. In June, the Department of …

Ireland needs to upset the Apple cart on corporate tax

David Jacobson 26/10/2018

Ireland has been subject to a great deal of international criticism about its corporate tax regime. While Irish people might feel defensive about …

Now is the time to talk about job quality

Gail Irvine 23/10/2018

This week the Carnegie UK Trust published new research which analyses how workplace trends are impacting on the quality of life of workers in …

ESB should build broadband network in co-operation with other State utilities

Donal Palcic, Eoin Reeves 19/10/2018

Last week’s controversial resignation of minister Denis Naughten is generally believed to have thrown the National Broadband Plan (NBP) into …

The 10 reasons why house prices and rents must fall

PJ Drudy 08/10/2018

House prices in recent years should never have been allowed to soar to the point where they have become unaffordable for the vast majority of …

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Paul Sweeney

Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …

Shana Cohen

Dr. Shana Cohen is the Director of TASC. She studied at Princeton University and at the …

Sean McCabe

Sean holds an B.Sc in Applied Physics from Dublin City University and an M.Sc. in …
