Blog Archive

Cuts and economic activity

Michael Taft 06/07/2009

Michael Taft: While we await the publication (or, at least, the drawn-out leaking) of the An Bord Snip Nua report, it is well to be reminded of the …

New TASC survey shows 85% believe wealth distribution is unfair


Survey results published by TASC today show that 85% of respondents believe wealth distribution in Ireland is unfair, and an equal number (85%) …

Hutton on Koo and Super-Keynesianism

Michael Taft 05/07/2009

Michael Taft: Writing in today's Observer, Will Hutton describes the prescriptions of Richard Koo, chief economist of Japan's Nomura Research …

Trust, Empathy and Trade

Slí Eile 03/07/2009

Sli Eile: That norms of trust, empathy and cooperation underpin the simplest of economic transactions has been a recognised fact by economists back …

We always need sceptical economists

Paul Sweeney 03/07/2009

Paul Sweeney: There is a growing consensus that the collapse in the world economy is due largely to the failure of the liberalisation, privatisation, …

Exchequer returns: misplaced confidence

An tSaoi 02/07/2009

An tSaoi: Last month’s exchequer figures sent the Taoiseach into his garden to tend the green shoots of recovery. This month the Minister for …

ICTU clarifies on employment support

Slí Eile 02/07/2009

Slí Eile: Following Sarah Carey's article yesterday on jobs subsidies, David Begg has provided a very important clarification in today's Irish Times …

The Dublin Consensus

Slí Eile 01/07/2009

Sli Eile: We recall the term ‘Washington Consensus’ as it was first coined in the 1980s. Dani Rodrik summed it up as: Stablize, Privatise, …

In case you missed it ....


Writing in this morning's Irish Times, Sarah Carey refers to a recent post by Sli Eile ... here's a link to the post if you missed it first time …

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Paul Sweeney

Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …

Robert Sweeney

Robert Sweeney is a policy analyst at TASC and focuses on issues surrounding Irish …

Jim Stewart

Dr Jim Stewart is Adjunct Associate Professor at Trinity College Dublin. His research …
