Blog Archive

Supreme Court judgement in Carroll case


The text of the Supreme Court judgement in the Carroll case is available for download here, and the Irish Times analysis is available here. Comments?

Can we provide a Progressive Consensus?

Slí Eile 11/08/2009

Slí Eile: What type of society do we have (A)? What type of society do we want? (B) How do we move from A to B? Is such a move possible and, if it …

Another take on Exchequer returns

An tSaoi 10/08/2009

An Saoi: The tax figures for July were published last Wednesday, slightly delayed by the Holiday weekend. This month, however, there were no …

Is the end of the recession nigh?

Paul Sweeney 10/08/2009

Paul Sweeney: Is the recession beginning to end? It is far too soon to say. It has been the worst recession in living memory, and Ireland is one of …

Economic war and profiteering

Michael Taft 09/08/2009

Michael Taft: There are some who contend that companies are taking advantage of the recession to cut wages, regardless of their need to do so. As a …

Reaction to Jim O'Leary


Jim O'Leary's article in today's Irish Times, arguing that "given the enormous scale of the problem, it would be fanciful to suppose that it can be …

Time to cap salaries?


Writing in today's Guardian, Andrew Simms - Policy Director of the New Economics Foundation - argues that the time has come to cap salaries, noting …

STT bid for Eircom

Donal Palcic 06/08/2009

Donal Palcic: The fifth change of ownership of Eircom now appears imminent with Singapore Technologies Telemedia (STT) very likely to make a deal to …

Deflationary Threat is Real and will lead us into deeper mire.

Paul Sweeney 06/08/2009

Paul Sweeney: The revenue shortfall in last night’s tax revenue figures to the end of July is a hefty €575 million greater than the Department of …

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Robert Sweeney

Robert Sweeney is a policy analyst at TASC and focuses on issues surrounding Irish …

Shana Cohen

Dr. Shana Cohen is the Director of TASC. She studied at Princeton University and at the …

Vic Duggan

Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …
