Blog Archive

Two reasons to vote yes


Jim Stewart Reason 1 The Global Financial Stability Report by the IMF published on 30 September shows that, in February/March this year, the ECB was …

Comhar report - Towards a Green New Deal for Ireland


The report published today by Comhar - Towards a Green New Deal for Ireland - is now available for download here. John Gibbons' piece in today's …

Northern Ireland review of economic policy


John Barry: To balance the focus of this blogsite on political and economic developments in the Republic of Ireland - here's one about Northern …

Towards a Progressive Economics: Programme now available for download


The line-up of speakers for the TASC Autumn Conference - Towards a Progressive Economics - has been finalised and now includes David Begg and Fintan …

What about the other 70% ?

Slí Eile 28/09/2009

Slí Eile: Opinion poll data are used by the print and other media on a regular basis not only to asses trends in public opinion but to generate …

NAMA, the Commission on Taxation and rent reviews: the rogue's guide to Irish finance

An tSaoi 28/09/2009

An Saoi: I have refrained from making any comment on the Commission on Taxation Report to date, mainly because of its lack of any new content and …

Hunting for woolly mammoths

Michael Taft 27/09/2009

Michael Taft: In a previous post, where I disputed the economic benefits of cutting wages, Professor Alan Mathews and Pavement Trauma questioned …

Those CSO migration figures: A health warning

An tSaoi 26/09/2009

An Saoi: Our friends in the CSO have given us at long last their estimates of migration in the year to April last. The figures reflect the return of …

Brendan Hayes on why he didn't sign the Taxation Commission report


"Low taxes, inequality in the provision of health and education, a growing income gap and sub-optimum economic growth: these are not separate, …

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Paul Sweeney

Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …

Kirsty Doyle

Kirsty Doyle is a Researcher at TASC, working in the area of health inequalities. She is …

Vic Duggan

Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …
