Blog Archive

How much are the bank bailouts going to cost us?

Nat O'Connor 31/03/2010

Nat O'Connor: There is a lack of clarity about just how much the bank bailout will cost ordinary people. But based on recent news, the estimated …

Groundhog Day

Stephen Kinsella 30/03/2010

Stephen Kinsella: Super Tuesday has been and gone. Even those of us who study Irish public policy and the Irish economy on a daily basis were taken …

Moral overload?

Slí Eile 30/03/2010

Slí Eile: No sooner was the ink dry on the Public Service Agreement (2010-2014) than the next news story broke on - NAMA. It just never dies down. …



The statement outlining the 'haircut' is available here. The Minister's Statement on the banking situation is available here. Comments?

Guest Post by Gerry O'Hanlon S.J.: Asking the Right Question

Gerry O’Hanlon 29/03/2010

Gerry O’Hanlon: We are understandably concerned about economic recovery in Ireland these days. But given that ‘recovery’ might be taken to …

Lies, Damn Lies & Irish Economic Statistics - A Basic Lesson in Corporate Tax Planning

An tSaoi 29/03/2010

An Saoi: I have had enough of all of those stockbroker economists & politicians who lecture us incessantly that exports are the key to getting us …

DDDA Reports


Leaked copies of Professor Niamh Brennan's three reports on the DDDA are available here (thanks to The Story for this link).

The day after the IMF's tomorrow

Michael Taft 24/03/2010

Michael Taft: The IMF has suggested that the Irish Government’s growth projections are too optimistic and should be scaled back. So has the EU …

IMF et al on Fiscal Stimulus

Michael Burke 23/03/2010

Michael Burke: Philip Lane has posted a link to a very useful IMF working paper here. The paper draws on a wide variety of leading macroeconomic …

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Vic Duggan

Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …

Kirsty Doyle

Kirsty Doyle is a Researcher at TASC, working in the area of health inequalities. She is …

Sean McCabe

Sean holds an B.Sc in Applied Physics from Dublin City University and an M.Sc. in …
