Blog Archive

Local Government Reform

Nat O'Connor 17/08/2010

Nat O'Connor: A lot of people have heard of 'bord snip nua' and the various recommendations it made for cutting or changing public services. However, …

US Lessons on the Failure of Pension Tax Arrangements

Sinéad Pentony 12/08/2010

Sinéad Pentony: Last week, Professor Teresa Ghilarducci's spoke at a pensions seminar co-hosted by TASC, TCD Pension Policy Research Group and the …

VAT paid by people on low incomes

Nat O'Connor 12/08/2010

Nat O'Connor: This is a follow up to comments on the Corporation Tax post about VAT. As was pointed out to me, although the main VAT rate is 21%, …

China (IV) - China and Western Economics

Paul Sweeney 11/08/2010

Paul Sweeney: Western economists believe that their model is superior because it is supposedly market-led, has better technology, better social …

Higher Corporation Tax?


An article in the Irish Times discusses the possibility of higher corporation tax. Quite a number of comments below the article too.

Medicine killing the patient


"The key question is … has the medicine worked? Has what the government said would happen happened in terms of reviving economic growth?The …

July tax figures

An tSaoi 06/08/2010

An Saoi: That paragon of objective comment, the Sunday Independent, informed us last Sunday that "Public finances (were) buoyed by July Revenue …

Finding the money

Michael Taft 05/08/2010

Michael Taft: Even before the Live Register figures were released, Tom O’Connor put forward a powerful critique of the Government’s failed fiscal …

Where should we be spending?

Tom McDonnell 04/08/2010

Tom McDonnell: The current economic crisis has centred attention, in some parts, on the affordability of the current levels of public spending in …

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Vic Duggan

Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …

Sean McCabe

Sean holds an B.Sc in Applied Physics from Dublin City University and an M.Sc. in …

Shana Cohen

Dr. Shana Cohen is the Director of TASC. She studied at Princeton University and at the …
