Blog Archive

Who benefits from Ireland's (im)balance of payments?

Michael Burke 24/08/2010

Michael Burke: In a recent discussion on this site, there are some important points raised about Ireland's external sector. This follows on from …

What to do about Anglo Irish Bank?

Jim Stewart 24/08/2010

Jim Stewart: Much comment argues that the increasing cost of Irish Government borrowing (the second/third highest in the eurozone and over twice the …

The State's Modus Operandi

Nat O'Connor 24/08/2010

Nat O'Connor: There are four stories in the press today that each illuminate part of a big, unanswered question, which is about what is the best way …

Tales from our lost boom

James Wickham 24/08/2010

James Wickham: My summer reading has included an astonishing book: the global historian James Belich’s Replenishing the Earth: The Settler …

Airbrushing in

Michael Taft 23/08/2010

Michael Taft: Here is an antidote to recent attempts to airbrush out of the economic debate anyone who doesn’t follow the line. An Irish Times …

Were we reckless spenders?

Tom McDonnell 20/08/2010

Tom McDonnell: Tuesday’s €1.5 billion bond auction by the National Treasury Management Agency ensures that Ireland will successfully get through …

They shoot horses don't they?

James Wickham 19/08/2010

James Wickham: One of the predictable consequences of high unemployment is the growth of hucksterism. As unemployment rises, so too do the voices …

Holidaying in the financial sector

Michael Taft 19/08/2010

Michael Taft: Conor McCabe has produced an interesting and potentially disturbing set of figures over on Dublin Opinion. Based on World Trade …

The Leaving Cert is not Education

Nat O'Connor 18/08/2010

Nat O'Connor: The Leaving Certificate results are out today. It is appropriate that there is something of a debate going on about whether or not we …

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Paul Sweeney

Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …

Robert Sweeney

Robert Sweeney is a policy analyst at TASC and focuses on issues surrounding Irish …

Sean McCabe

Sean holds an B.Sc in Applied Physics from Dublin City University and an M.Sc. in …
