Blog Archive
Time to grow up and be angry
James Wickham 12/10/2010
James Wickham: Quite early in the crisis, Colm McCarthy remarked that ‘anger is not policy’ (Frontline 28 September 2009). As others have …
Just how much is enough?
Slí Eile 10/10/2010
Slí Eile: Just how much deflation and for how long must it be applied to (i) secure market confidence 'going forward' and (ii) reduce the fiscal …
All pain, no gain, no gain at all
Michael Taft 08/10/2010
Michael Taft: No doubt the Government will blame the need for increased contraction through a multi-annual budget on the banking crisis. There …
One of the most catastrophic political decisions in post-war Europe?
Writing on the Eurointelligence blog, Financial Times columnist Wolfgang Munchau says that: "[...] on Tuesday, 30 September 2008, when Brian Cowen, …
Benefitting all the children equally
In an Irish Times 'Double Vision' piece with Friends First economist Jim Power, TASC Head of Policy Sinéad Pentony argues this morning that the …
IBEC and Social Justice Ireland call for Higher Taxes (Revised)
Nat O'Connor 06/10/2010
Nat O'Connor: IBEC (in their pre-Budget submission) have proposed that Ireland's level of taxation should be 36 to 38 per cent of GNP. Social Justice …
What shall we do with our new banks?
Slí Eile 02/10/2010
Slí Eile: as the sweet tones of the 'People's flag is deepest red it shrouded oft our martyred dead' signalled the end of that very nice protest on …
How not to reduce the fiscal deficit
Slí Eile 02/10/2010
Slí Eile: Today's opinion poll in the Irish Times is odd. One of the questions is: 'Asked if the Government should stick by its target of reducing …
At least we're not Iceland
Michael Burke 01/10/2010
Michael Burke: Over on Irish Economy, Kevin O'Rourke has criticised the Finance Minister for arguing that not allowing a default of bank debt had …
Sean McCabe
Sean holds an B.Sc in Applied Physics from Dublin City University and an M.Sc. in …
Kirsty Doyle
Kirsty Doyle is a Researcher at TASC, working in the area of health inequalities. She is …
Vic Duggan
Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …