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House Swap on Ghost Estates


Nat O'Connor The Department of the Environment has published a report into the state of 120,000 dwellings in Ireland's unfinished, 'ghost' housing …

Trick or Threat

Slí Eile 25/10/2010

Slí Eile: Today, we were served an item on public sector pensions here. The report says that 'the Department of Finance has not ruled out measures …

'Smart economy' is crucial for future jobs growth

Proinnsias Breathnach 24/10/2010

Proinnsias Breathnach: Recent calls for a shift in the focus of Irish economic policy from the promotion of a “smart” economy to the cultivation …

Abandon the deflationary ship

Michael Taft 20/10/2010

Michael Taft: The Minister for Finance when announcing his €4 billion spending cuts in the last budget, stated confidently: ‘Further corrections …

Reassuring the markets

Slí Eile 19/10/2010

Slí Eile: ever wonder who we are consoling on world markets? There is a school of thought which claims that we should so shock the markets with such …

Understanding dynamics

Slí Eile 19/10/2010

Slí eile: a curious feature of what passes for informed economic commentary in recent times is the absence of any solid evidence to back up various …

What to do with £ 7.5 billion?

Michael Burke 19/10/2010

Michael Burke: Yesterday, UK Shadow Chancellor Alan Johnson introduced a new policy- increasing taxes on banks in order to finance £7.5bn in …

Guest post by Dr Rory Hearne: Why aren't the Irish protesting?

Rory Hearne 19/10/2010

Rory Hearne: A short while back, I was asked the question for the This Week Rte Radio 1 show was ‘why aren’t the Irish protesting?’ I thought …

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Paul Sweeney

Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …

Shana Cohen

Dr. Shana Cohen is the Director of TASC. She studied at Princeton University and at the …

Vic Duggan

Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …
