Blog Archive

Only growth can reduce the debt

Michael Burke 13/12/2010

Michael Burke: Over on Irish Ecoomy, Karl Whelan has initiated a useful discussion highlighting some of the differences between EU Commission and …

Beware economists bearing models


The following is abridged from a post that appears on Notes on the Front. See also Nat O'Connor's post here. Michael Taft: So the 2011 budget is …

Guest post by Gerard Doyle and Tanya Lalor: Getting more bang for your buck


In this guest post, Gerard Doyle and Tanya Lalor of TSA Consultancy make the case for social enterprise to be part of any future stimulus programme. …

Progressive Austerity?

Nat O'Connor 10/12/2010

Nat O'Connor: There has been a flurry of calculations about the effect of Budget 2011. One technical, but important, point is that our income tax …

TASC analysis of Budget 2011


TASC has issued its analysis of Budget 2011; you can download a PDF of the document here. Comments?

A Merry Christmas for plutocrats

Tom McDonnell 08/12/2010

Tom McDonnell: TASC will be releasing a full budget response tomorrow. In the meantime feast your eyes on some good news for all of you single, …

Budget 2011: biggest fiscal consolidation ever

Paul Sweeney 08/12/2010

Paul Sweeney: The 2011 Budget is the biggest fiscal consolidation imposed by any government in the developed world since the Second World War. It …

Michael Burke on the British economy may escape an Irish fate


Writing on the Guardian website, PE blogger Michael Burke points out that "British political leaders, like their co-thinkers in Dublin, have no …

A budget that does not add up

Slí Eile 07/12/2010

Slí eile: The annual pantomime known as the Budget is an annual fixture. Since the onset of recession in 2008 it has assumed the proportion of an …

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Vic Duggan

Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …

Shana Cohen

Dr. Shana Cohen is the Director of TASC. She studied at Princeton University and at the …

Sean McCabe

Sean holds an B.Sc in Applied Physics from Dublin City University and an M.Sc. in …
