Blog Archive
Policy Analyst wanted ...
TASC is recruiting a Policy Analyst; full details on
Recovery? What recovery?
Michael Taft 20/01/2011
Michael Taft: The ESRI’s new quarterly analysis is out (though not available on-line for 30 days). Though its forecasts are more pessimistic than …
Economists’ disconnect with the real world not just confined to Ireland
Proinnsias Breathnach 17/01/2011
Proinnsias Breathnach: The disconnect between the economics profession and the real world of business and commerce which is so apparent in Ireland is …
Time for Plan B?
The euro area’s bail-out strategy is not working. It is time for insolvent countries to restructure their debts. You can read the rest of The …
Krugman's prescription for saving Europe
Tom McDonnell 13/01/2011
Tom McDonnell: Following on from Citigroup analysis of the Euro debt crisis earlier this week, here is an excellent analysis by Paul Krugman. Krugman …
Interesting IMF paper
Here is an interesting paper that formalises an idea that many of us would agree with, that inequality caused the crisis. Unfortunately the IMF …
Economic Treason
Nat O'Connor 12/01/2011
Nat O'Connor: Tags like 'Economic Treason' have been liberally applied since the outset of our economic and political crisis. Green Party …
The Hunt Report, and how to close the deficit
Michael Burke 11/01/2011
Michael Burke: There are many shortcomings in the Hunt Report ‘National Strategy for Higher Education’ – but one thing that’s very useful. …
Willem Buiter's analysis
Tom McDonnell 10/01/2011
Tom McDonnell: Willem Buiter says the key remaining question is whether it will be the banks who default, the Sovereign or both – and there is …
Robert Sweeney
Robert Sweeney is a policy analyst at TASC and focuses on issues surrounding Irish …
Kirsty Doyle
Kirsty Doyle is a Researcher at TASC, working in the area of health inequalities. She is …
Vic Duggan
Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …