New MA in Sociology: Work, Labour Markets and Employment


NUI Maynooth has launched a new MA in Sociology: Work, Labour Markets and Employment, which is now accepting applications for September 2014.

Full details, including the overall postgraduate education framework, are available at

In addition, there is a question and answer session on Weds 23rd July from 5-7pm on Facebook and Twitter. Details are available at:

The course directors are Prof. Seán Ó Riain and Dr. Mary Murphy.

This is an innovative course, taught by leading scholars of Irish and international workplaces and economies. It incorporates modules on the key themes of the degree, on research methods and on analytical thinking as well as a thesis project carried out by the student. There are opportunities for international study (in Valencia) and for research internships.

The course should be of interest to those seeking the necessary critical and analytical skills to understand the dramatic and rapid changes in work, labour markets and employment in recent decades and how different societies are responding to them.

This programme will be of interest to a wide range of constituencies including those working in or interested in a career in social or public policy making; labour market analysts; trade union and business and trade association officials; social entrepreneurs; people working in local and national government with responsibility for work and labour market initiatives; those working in training, up-skilling and work transition initiatives and those involved in Intreo, Solas, Education and Training Boards and in Local Employment Services. It is also relevant to graduates in the social sciences and cognate disciplines considering undertaking doctoral research in the fields of sociology of work, social policy, education and innovation.



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